handy chart of denominations with doctrinal elements

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handy chart of denominations with doctrinal elements

Post by agricola »

h**p://www.gordonconwell.edu/mentored-ministry ... 1-2012.pdf

This was interesting! I was idly googling whether Baptists were or were not Calvinists (apparently it depends on WHICH Baptists) and then googled whether CoC was Arminian (which it is, by the way) and found this chart.

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Re: handy chart of denominations with doctrinal elements

Post by Opie »

Thanks for the link to this very interesting chart, agricola. I printed a copy to keep for reference.
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Post by Moogy »

I did not realize there was a formal term for the doctrine that gifts of prophecy, tongues, healing, etc. have ceased. Apparent the term is Cessationist. Naturally, I am familiar with the convoluted COC "proof" of this doctrine. It is interesting that this chart does not label COC as Cessationist. I looked up the definition when I saw it applied to Presbyterian Churches. Given the Cambells' roots in the Presbyterian Church, it is understandable that they carried this doctrine with them.

Also note if you are studying this chart--Church of Christ is not listed alphabetically like most of the denominations. It is two pages after Christian Church/Churches of Christ, just after "Church of the Nazarene."
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Re: handy chart of denominations with doctrinal elements

Post by Findingmyway »

Thank you for sharing
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