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Prayer Requests

Posted: Mon Oct 12, 2020 12:37 am
by B.H.
I wonder if that man had turned her into a hooker. Around here most of the hookers are drug users. They come in my store to buy stuff to dress up with and you can see the syring Mark's on their arms. It is very sad.

I tell you what. I will pray for her too but I wont pray to Prophet Jesus or the holy spirit who is just the angel Gabriel. I will pray to one greater than both of them. I will pray to the Lord Allah Almighty, most beneficent, most merciful.

Re: Prayer Requests

Posted: Mon Oct 12, 2020 10:00 am
by Moogy
I moved your post from New Paths-Christian to New Paths-Non-Christian. Because these are Support and Agreement sections. Thanks.

I am interested to hear the Muslim view that the Holy Spirit is the Angel Gabriel. Is this widely accepted or even in your scriptures?

Re: Prayer Requests

Posted: Tue Oct 13, 2020 1:01 am
by ena
Moogy wrote:BH
I moved your post from New Paths-Christian to New Paths-Non-Christian. Because these are Support and Agreement sections. Thanks.

I am interested to hear the Muslim view that the Holy Spirit is the Angel Gabriel. Is this widely accepted or even in your scriptures?
Angels were a separate creation of God. Gabriel is an archangel. Michael is a archangel. Satan was a leader of the Angels. He fell from grace because of pride. One third of heaven fell. I do not know where demons come from. They seem to want to inhabit a body. Demons are fallen creatures. In one case he threw them into a herd of swine. The swine killed themselves by running of a cliff. Gabriel is the announcer. Michael is a warrior. This information is scattered throughout the Bible. We are not told directly. This the cause of a battle at the end of the tribulation. The final battle is at the end of the thousand year reign of Jesus from Jerusalem. This is not known in many churches including the CoC. You cannot understand Revelation without knowing the symbols. I could not understand Revelation as a CoC member because even the preachers do not know this cold. Jesus is the lamb. You can recognize him from comments. He appears often in different guises. Revelation details Jesus in Heaven and many things. You as a human would be blinded and killed by the visage of God. God is a spirit. When you are around Jesus you may see a bright light. Most NDE's talk about it. There are lists of angel names in the Book of Enoch. Enoch was the seventh generation from Adam. He was taken up into heaven like Elijah. Resurrection bodies live forever with corrections for disease. jesus still has the scars one his hands and feet. Thomas checked them out to make sure that Jesus was not an apparition. You might see him. Ron Wyatt descibes him as a man with a brown beard and a ancient white tunic. He did not claim he was Jesus but I suspect he was. Ron was excavating the Garden Tomb area. I believe the Garden Tomb is the tomb of Jesus. There is the Church of the holy seplicure. This site was chosen by Constantines mother. It is pushed by the Catholic Church. I have seen Catholic stuff all over Western Europe. I saw a dead pope in a glass altar. His body was in sad shape. I am not as fascinated with death. He was covered in plastic probably to hold the body together. It still had flesh that looked jerky. Egyptian mummies look like this as do Indian mummies. The best preserved was an Incan girl who was frozen alive. Her hair and face and clothing is intact. The link below shows her. She does look rather life like. She is about 500 years old. There are scriptures for the rest.

I would like to hear what BH says.

Re: Prayer Requests

Posted: Fri Oct 16, 2020 10:25 pm
by B.H.
Islam teaches there is no trinity. Allah is one and not three. Jesus was a prophet who was a holy and righteous man as was his mother Mary. Jesus was not deity. The Holy Spirit is a reference not to a third member of some godhead but the angel Gabriel, Jabril in Arabic, who delivered the Holy Quran to Prophet Muhammed.

Explaining Islam_new topic

Posted: Sat Oct 17, 2020 10:03 am
by agricola

Re: Explaining Islam_new topic

Posted: Sat Oct 17, 2020 12:22 pm
by B.H.
agricola wrote:Go
Are you cheerleading for me today? :lol:

I'm trying. I'm not as well skilled in the literary arts as jacki is.

Re: Explaining Islam_new topic

Posted: Mon Oct 19, 2020 4:48 pm
by Ivy
B.H. wrote:
agricola wrote:Go
Are you cheerleading for me today? :lol:

I'm trying. I'm not as well skilled in the literary arts as jacki is.
Jacki's not here, so it's up to you, BH. :D

Re: Explaining Islam_new topic

Posted: Mon Oct 19, 2020 4:58 pm
by Ivy
Islam teaches there is no trinity.
Interesting, BH. The United Pentecostal Church teaches that as well. They call it the "Oneness Doctrine". I think the cofc kind of believed that way as well. Remember when they changed the words on the hymn "Holy Holy Holy"? One line says
"God in three persons, bless-ed trinity." Cofc changed it to "God over all, and, blessed etern-ally". I bet some of y'all didn't know that. ;) :shock:

Re: Explaining Islam_new topic

Posted: Mon Oct 19, 2020 11:16 pm
by SolaDude
Ivy wrote: Remember when they changed the words on the hymn "Holy Holy Holy"? One line says "God in three persons, bless-ed trinity." Cofc changed it to "God over all, and, blessed etern-ally". I bet some of y'all didn't know that. ;) :shock:
You're the bomb, Ivy! Just am now realizing that!

Re: Explaining Islam_new topic

Posted: Tue Oct 20, 2020 10:11 pm
by Moogy
But doesn’t the COC baptize “in the Name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost”? :?: