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Post by FinallyFree »

Trump was rude to everyone at NATO. Then claimed the countries are upping their contributions to 4%. Macron said this was not true. Everyone is still giving 2%. So we cannot believe anything Trump says. He is only interested in making himself look good.
I heard when he meets with Putin, there will only be a translator there. So he can say anything and claim anything happened. This whole thing is very scary. If Trump gets everyone to believe all news except Fox is fake, then the sky is the limit on what he can do.
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Post by KLP »

Agreed, it was rude to point out that whole Germany and EU buying billions of energy from Russia thing. But everyone knows Trump is bombastic and has a huge ego. So far there is usually much more talk than actions. Remember when the fear was that Trump's manner was going to cause North Korea fire some nukes? Or even back during the election, we were assured the market and possibly world economy would crash upon Trump being elected and taking office? Not saying all that was fake news, but it sure didn't come true. So I figure the sky is not falling and this will blow over like everything else and things will get better rather than worse...that is pretty much his track record so far. But I still don't get why Turkey is in NATO...that is the Russian connection that ought to worry folks.
Isn't the world wonderful...I am all for rational optimism and I am staying positive.
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Post by ena »

FinallyFree wrote:Trump was rude to everyone at NATO. Then claimed the countries are upping their contributions to 4%. Macron said this was not true. Everyone is still giving 2%. So we cannot believe anything Trump says. He is only interested in making himself look good.
I heard when he meets with Putin, there will only be a translator there. So he can say anything and claim anything happened. This whole thing is very scary. If Trump gets everyone to believe all news except Fox is fake, then the sky is the limit on what he can do.
Agreed! Our government is not easily self correcting. Not all news is fake. I watch CNN to get the gist. The problem with CNN is that they focus too much on Trump. The scroll bar at the bottom of the screen gives the real news. I then watch DW news or Democracy Now. There is alot going on in the rest of the world. I find myself longing for Nixon. He was a liar too but had more honor than Trump.
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Post by B.H. »

I wish Jimmy Carter was still president.
The philosophers have only interpreted the world, in various ways; the point is to change it.----Karl Marx
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Post by Ivy »

B.H. wrote:I wish Jimmy Carter was still president.
Leave President Carter alone, BH. He has done his part.

I am ready for President Obama to come back. I know, BH, I didn't feel that way at one time, but I have repented and
gotten my life right now.
~Stone Cold Ivyrose Austin~
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Post by ena »

Ivy wrote:
B.H. wrote:I wish Jimmy Carter was still president.
Leave President Carter alone, BH. He has done his part.

I am ready for President Obama to come back. I know, BH, I didn't feel that way at one time, but I have repented and
gotten my life right now.
I like what Carter has done since leaving office. I don't know what the problem with Obama was. There seemed to be a disconnect between what he said and action. I recognize he got no help from a Republican congress. I did like his attitude which what I do not like with Trump. Trump bragged about his achievements before the UN and was met with laughter. It is on youtube. The problem may be that we are really in a depression but the government is hiding it by spending piles of money to keep interest low. I personally know many people without jobs or working in jobs that do not pay well. The problem here is not the employment rate because that is only valid for current unemployment. After about 6 months the longer term unemployed role off the roles. You also do not see those that are underemployed. The voter frustration and hidden racism in this country is what Trump tapped into. I consider him a racist and misogynist from what he has said directly. The end result of all the obfuscation and wars is that the dollar will become worthless. I can't say when but I think it is unavoidable. Simple math.

Trump at UN
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Post by B.H. »

Leave President Carter alone, BH. He has done his part.

The philosophers have only interpreted the world, in various ways; the point is to change it.----Karl Marx
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Post by ena »

B.H. wrote:
Leave President Carter alone, BH. He has done his part.

I liked Carter too. However, He was hit by the hostages in Iran. A failed attempt to free them. A Fed that decided to jack the interest rates to nose bleed levels while denying they controlled it. They after all only control the overnight rate. It turns out that this affects everything. It's the rates banks charge each other to borrow over night. I saw this as politically motivated to get rid of Carter. Carter was a Democrat. The Fed seems to favor Republicans. There is a lot of dirty pool in politics. The Watergate break in and cover up was Republican under Nixon. Both major parties went to opposite extremes during the 2016 election. The result is the common man suffers. We have the war in Afghanistan to pay for. Will the corporations be paying. No they got a huge tax break. Did you? So the nearly killed middle class will have to pay for this ongoing Republican stupidity. Why it continued under Obama is anybodies guess. We tried nation building in Vietnam. Look up Diem. The CIA chose him as President of South Vietnam. Then chose to remove him and did. Diem was a Catholic. Vietnam is 90% Buddist. You had whole villages converting to Catholic thinking they would get a better deal from Diem. The ongoing stupidity in Washington DC should be obvious to all. We should be fighting Iran soon after all terrorist stuff in Yemen is Iran supported. We are bankrupt and keep thinking that wars will improve things when it only makes us poorer. So we get back to feelingfree's post. We need more money from the memberstates of NATO. NATO served us well in the cold war. Yes, Turkey is self destructing. So are we. Maybe we should not so eager to go to war. Iraq was a senseless disaster. Where are the weapons of mass destruction? I believe they were moved to Syria.
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Post by B.H. »

I've always said that a lot of the economic trouble was artifically created by elites to get rid of Carter. He didn't play ball with them and wanted to try to do what he thought was right. Sheesh, the man fired thousands of CIA agents for doing stuff they should not have been doing. It takes balls right there to stand up to the CIA.

One thing I honestly do not understand about the Iran thing. If Carter had tried to rescue the hostages the Iranians would have killed them. The rescue attempt he finally made was because they were getting reports the Iranians were fixing to start killing some if not all of them. Yet the people wnet crazy with anger at Carter over all of this. A few years later Ronald Reagan actually loses 250 marines in Lebanon, killed by bombs, and he withdraws from Lebanon over it. Yet he is a big hero. I don't get it.
The philosophers have only interpreted the world, in various ways; the point is to change it.----Karl Marx
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Post by Ivy »

B.H. wrote: I don't get it.
BH, do you think it's possible or likely that Carter was seen with disdain as a president because he was open about his christian beliefs? For example, the "adultery in one's heart" statement. To me, that would just point to a man with a conscience and solid character.
~Stone Cold Ivyrose Austin~
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