Happy Sunday!

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Happy Sunday!

Post by Moogy »

Every week it is a happy Sunday for me because I no longer have to drag myself to the local COC to hear a depressing, too-long sermon, then repeat the process again that evening. :lol: I hope your Sunday is equally happy, despite our very strange and challenging year.
NI COC for over 30 years, but out for over 40 years now
Mostly Methodist for about 30 years.
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Re: Happy Sunday!

Post by B.H. »

I had a happy sunday. I went to dairy queen and ate a chicken finger basket and a peanut busterparfait.
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Re: Happy Sunday!

Post by FinallyFree »

Yes, my Sundays are happy now. Those days of having to do church twice on Sundays were awful, and I am sorry my kids had to endure all that.
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Re: Happy Sunday!

Post by Ivy »

My Sundays are positive and much healthier now too. I did go through an early time of, let's say, kind of like withdrawal, where I would feel depressed on Sundays because of deep seated guilt over not being in church. But I am past that now; I usually forget it's Sunday until my dear hubby goes out to get me a newspaper so I can work the NY Times crossword. :D
~Stone Cold Ivyrose Austin~
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Re: Happy Sunday!

Post by Ivy »

FinallyFree wrote:Yes, my Sundays are happy now. Those days of having to do church twice on Sundays were awful, and I am sorry my kids had to endure all that.
Mine too, for a while. We did what we thought was right at the time.

My kids are both agnostics now.
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Re: Happy Sunday!

Post by SolaDude »

Ivy wrote:We did what we thought was right at the time.
That profound statement almost demands another thread....go for it, Ivy! Anyway, my head-scratcher has always been why kids hate and blame their parents' generation for the horribleness of the world. There must be something many parents missed generation after generation, because it didn't seem to be that way back in the more agrarian culture we had. Nobody is "trained" to be a parent and most (obviously not all) try desperately to do their best, yet their own failure, plus lack of communication and appreciation, etc. from their adult kids in many ways stares them back the face for the rest of their lives. And in doing so parents look back and see a spending of their attention, concern, etc. 24/7 over many years as to little or no avail. I think there are many older parents walking around out there who essentially are "empty", they burned all their gas raising a family, and now live with a hidden emptiness they do not show to the world.
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Re: Happy Sunday!

Post by Ivy »

SolaDude wrote:
Ivy wrote:We did what we thought was right at the time.
That profound statement almost demands another thread....go for it, Ivy! Anyway, my head-scratcher has always been why kids hate and blame their parents' generation for the horribleness of the world. There must be something many parents missed generation after generation, because it didn't seem to be that way back in the more agrarian culture we had. Nobody is "trained" to be a parent and most (obviously not all) try desperately to do their best, yet their own failure, plus lack of communication and appreciation, etc. from their adult kids in many ways stares them back the face for the rest of their lives. And in doing so parents look back and see a spending of their attention, concern, etc. 24/7 over many years as to little or no avail. I think there are many older parents walking around out there who essentially are "empty", they burned all their gas raising a family, and now live with a hidden emptiness they do not show to the world.
Interesting post, Sola. I am very open with my kids and they are with me...I give them opportunities to discuss things that I did that were hurtful to them, and try to make amends. I don't get the sense that they hate me and my generation for things being the way they are. Heck, I should pay for some of their therapy. LOL!! They grew up to be wonderful people in spite of Sister Ivy's parenting failures. :lol: I give a lot of credit for that to their father, who was and is a really good parent. I think we balanced one another out in some good ways.

Sola, tell me more about that "hidden emptiness" in us older parents....what do you mean? I don't think I feel a hidden emptiness, but maybe you can explain more about that.
~Stone Cold Ivyrose Austin~
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Re: Happy Sunday!

Post by ena »

Moogy wrote:Every week it is a happy Sunday for me because I no longer have to drag myself to the local COC to hear a depressing, too-long sermon, then repeat the process again that evening. :lol: I

I remember that one. I don't listen to the uninformed anymore. On youtube you can find a better one. You can also find crap. The CoC did not relate the Bible to its entirety. The problem Jesus had with the Pharisees was that they had added many rules to the Torah. That they were not supposed to do.

Duet 4
1.Now therefore hearken, O Israel, unto the statutes and unto the judgments, which I teach you, for to do them, that ye may live, and go in and possess the land which the Lord God of your fathers giveth you.

2 Ye shall not add unto the word which I command you, neither shall ye diminish ought from it, that ye may keep the commandments of the Lord your God which I command you.

I included verse one because it shows why the Hebrews were thrown out of Israel. The Samaritans worship on Mount Gerizim not Jerusalem. They have a Torah that is very old written in proto Hebrew. They have made changes to suit them. They claim to be Jews but are not in terms of observance. Hebrew today has letters that changed during the Babylonian captivity. God has left bread crumbs but you cannot see them if you don't look. I am not very knowledgeable on OT but working on it. To a Jew they are not exactly the same. Sort of like claiming that Baptists and CoC are the same. After all it's the water of baptism that saves you. This is pagan because it does not recognize the sacrifice of Jesus. Satan would have never crucified him if he had not been outsmarted. Jesus went to cross willingly. Jesus was allowed to release his spirit. You will not hear either point in the perpetually ignorant Church of Christ. It is not of Christ. Outside of Christ you will suffer loss. Jesus is the judge. If God judged us naked we would all be condemned. It is not that I am perfect either. You are cloaked with Jesus or naked. Your choice.
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Re: Happy Sunday!

Post by SolaDude »

Ivy wrote:Sola, tell me more about that "hidden emptiness" in us older parents....what do you mean? I don't think I feel a hidden emptiness, but maybe you can explain more about that.
I was simply referencing those who didn't end up as close to their adult kids as yourself, i.e. those who wish for more interaction with/attention from their adult kids.
Last edited by SolaDude on Wed Aug 12, 2020 8:12 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Happy Sunday!

Post by SolaDude »

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