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Imagine That IV

Posted: Tue Jun 26, 2018 12:59 am
by zeek
It has now been 3 years since the U.S. Supreme Court declared that same gendered couples have a civil right to be married just as opposite gendered couples have. We were warned by a bunch of hand wringing bigots that all sorts of catastrophic things would follow this court ruling. I believe that IF we were going to see these catastrophic things happen, surely they would have started happening by now. Nope.

Re: Imagine That IV

Posted: Tue Jun 26, 2018 8:51 am
by Cootie Brown
Churches are filled with bigots and men that believe woman are subservient to them. This is what happens when humans create Gods and religions. And they have been doing this for thousands of years.

And of all the thousands of Gods and religions humans have created they, of course, believe their religion and the God they worship today is the only real and correct one. :roll:

As long as religions & Gods exist bigots will exist.

Re: Imagine That IV

Posted: Tue Jun 26, 2018 9:05 am
by B.H.

How is everything been going for you?

Re: Imagine That IV

Posted: Tue Jun 26, 2018 10:56 am
by Cootie Brown
Societies/cultures created Gods and Religions that reflect their beliefs and customs. That is where misogyny & homophobia originated. The United States is undergoing a tremendous culture change right now that is being greatly influenced by the media and entertainment industry.

There is a major push coming from the political left and young people to accept homosexulaity as a legitimate alternative lifestyle. The courts are also upholding and affirming the rights of homosexuals. Society is dealing harshly with those that oppose this movement, Roseann being the most recent example, but not the only one. Misogyny has also been targeted by this same movement.

Society ultimately determines what is and is not socially acceptable. And history indicates religion will ultimately change their teaching and dogma's to conform with societal norms. Either that or they will not survive, and religion is on a rather significant decline in Europe and the United States now. The recent scandals in the Catholic Church have also contributed to the growing movement away from organized religion.

The Methodists and Christian Church, among others, have already changed their teaching when it comes to women and their roles in the church, they are also exhibiting a more tolerate attitude toward the gay community too.

Fundamentalists will hold out to the bitter end, but ultimately they will either change or become so small that they are irrelevant. These changes will take several generations to complete but it will happen. I've seen studies that predict believers will become a minority in the United States somewhere around 2040 and their decline will continue.

Re: Imagine That IV

Posted: Wed Jun 27, 2018 1:43 pm
by KLP
noun, One who is strongly partial to one's own group, religion, race, or politics and is intolerant of those who differ.

Hmmm OK :lol:

So what exactly were you warned about Zeek? What is the list of things that you have verified have not happened?

Re: Imagine That IV

Posted: Wed Jun 27, 2018 3:34 pm
by Cootie Brown
So what exactly were you warned about Zeek? What is the list of things that you have verified have not happened?
Obviously, I'm not Zeek, but I'll throw my two cents in.

That the fabric of society would crumble. Debauchery & immorality would become the new "norm". Lesibians would be seducing innocent girls, wives, and women. Homosexual men would be molesting little boys-no wait, Catholic Priest already did that. Homosexuals would be corrupting young men and husbands would leave their wives and families having been seduced by gay men.

Basically, the world as we know it would come to end. Depravity would be the new norm. Men lusting for men and woman lusting for woman. Rome would rise from the ashes crime and corruption would reign supreme. And the world would return to the dark ages once again.

Unless, of course, Jesus returned and put a stop to all of that.

It seems, however, same sex couples getting the right to marry hasn't changed society much, if at all.

Re: Imagine That IV

Posted: Wed Jun 27, 2018 6:49 pm
by KLP
Still looking for the list? And how was it verified that none of it happened, is happening, or will happen?

I did see in USA today about how Pride parades have become St Patrick Day type events and too many non-homosexuals are showing up just to have fun and where funny and outrageous costumes. The spokesperson said that the wide spread attendance and participation was causing the loss of political focus...too much acceptance I guess. ... 712068002/

Quote from story "This is not their party," Ellis said. "They are attending someone else's party. ... It just felt disrespectful."
Turns out just being free and having fun and thinking like you want to think is not, there is an agenda for your much for freedom and diversity. It is sort of like they are strongly partial to their own and intolerant of others who differ. weird right?