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Anyone here heard of Daniel Johnston? He's a genius

Posted: Mon Oct 29, 2018 3:58 pm
by Kelly
Anyone here heard of Daniel Johnston? Or am I just behind the times? It is interesting how many famous people come from the churh of christ. He even went to Abalene. He is a manic depressant that wrote some great songs. And draws some great pictures. There is a free documentary on (The Devil and Daniel Johnston). If you love music I would strongly recommend watching it. If you know anyone that is clinically depressed this might give you a glimpse into their world.

Link to his music:

Hope you all enjoy as much as I did.

Please share with me the songs you like or that mean something to you.
A couple that stand out to me "True love will find you in the end", and, "Pot Head" but they are all good.

Re: Anyone here heard of Daniel Johnston? He's a genius

Posted: Mon Oct 29, 2018 4:14 pm
by tarheel
Never heard of him but then again, I am not into religious music.

Re: Anyone here heard of Daniel Johnston? He's a genius

Posted: Mon Oct 29, 2018 5:33 pm
by Kelly
It is not religious music. He is like a 80's 90's 00's Bob Dylan. Kurt Cobain and black eyed peas and others have recorded some of his songs. I just thought his songs were interesting.

Re: Anyone here heard of Daniel Johnston? He's a genius

Posted: Fri Nov 30, 2018 6:10 pm
by Lerk
I've seen the "Hi, how are you" graffiti in Austin many times. Awhile back Apple was using one of his songs to advertise the latest Mac.

I had no idea he had CoC roots.

Re: Anyone here heard of Daniel Johnston? He's a genius

Posted: Sat Mar 16, 2019 2:34 am
by ena
Bipolar people can do amazing things while the are up. Medications dull this so there is a lack of compliance which makes them hard to be around. When they are down they are very depressed. I had a friend that cycled about once a week. He'd sleep part of the weekend and be sick and depressed on Mondays and the rest of the week do the work of ten men. Most do not cycle that quickly. The cycles may take one to two years. I had a friend with a daughter that lived in a group home. This worked well because she could be watched. Things had pretty much settled down.
I could have been a real help to my friend had I known. He was unmedicated and undiagnosed. My son had graduated in psychology and had a diagnostic manual. We found an exact description of him in there. You had to live around him to even know. I have known two maybe three. The third owned a company and would seize control in his manic phase. Heads rolled when he did. I saw this once when there.