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Re: Former one cupper

Posted: Wed Apr 01, 2015 12:33 am
by B.H.
I was raised non sunday school but used the little cups in the communion. I did visit a one cup church a lot because the preacher was my friend. I visited enough to know the things you no doubt speak of.

Re: Former one cupper

Posted: Fri Apr 03, 2015 10:13 pm
by Ivy
B.H. wrote:I was raised non sunday school but used the little cups in the communion. I did visit a one cup church a lot because the preacher was my friend. I visited enough to know the things you no doubt speak of.
I always thought that "one cup" and "non-sunday school" went hand in hand but....apparently not. Who knew?

Re: Former one cupper

Posted: Fri Apr 03, 2015 10:50 pm
by Opie
There are at least 15-20 different divisions in the CoC denomination.... one cuppers, non-Sunday school, etc plus various combinations. Most of them also claim that they alone the One True Church, with all the others being pretenders and 'false teachers'. The legalism can become mind-boggling!

Re: Former one cupper

Posted: Sat Apr 04, 2015 8:47 am
by GMan
Opie wrote:There are at least 15-20 different divisions in the CoC denomination.... one cuppers, non-Sunday school, etc plus various combinations. Most of them also claim that they alone the One True Church, with all the others being pretenders and 'false teachers'. The legalism can become mind-boggling!
At one time I heard that the "one true church" had something like 27 different groups. I find that a bit too small.

Re: Former one cupper

Posted: Mon Apr 06, 2015 2:59 pm
by KLP
Welcome. Glad you are here. I think there is very little One Cupper representation here, so your POV will be special.

Yes, when I discovered yet another parallel universe (multi-cup, non-Sunday School, institutional) I too was amazed they had their own collection of congregations. I stumbled on to them in Texas and California. The ones I visited all had facilities for eating in the building. One in Bakersfield had these banners hanging around the odditorium...having decorations and slogans on the walls was very odd for a CofC in my experience.

Re: Former one cupper

Posted: Wed Apr 08, 2015 9:30 am
by B.H.
klp wrote:Welcome. Glad you are here. I think there is very little One Cupper representation here, so your POV will be special.

Yes, when I discovered yet another parallel universe (multi-cup, non-Sunday School, institutional) I too was amazed they had their own collection of congregations. I stumbled on to them in Texas and California. The ones I visited all had facilities for eating in the building. One in Bakersfield had these banners hanging around the odditorium...having decorations and slogans on the walls was very odd for a CofC in my experience.

KLP the non-Sunday School churches to a large degree have no problems putting up a Christmas tree in the building or celebrating Easter as the day Christ supposedly rose from the dead. In many way they are more permissive than the more mainline CoC and some even teach they may not neccessarily the the one true church and work with other denominations.

The are like 5 or 6 divisions of the one cuppers. This ranges from using instruments in worship to using sunday school to no divorce or remarraige for any reason. At one time there were some among them who believed in the real presence. Most do not use Sunday School, most permit divorce and remarriage if your spouse cheated on you.

Re: Former one cupper

Posted: Tue Apr 21, 2015 9:37 pm
by ena
Circuitsndaisies wrote: left the church, got ex is back in the church now (he claimed the exception so I was the big ol sinner-gross) which means my kids have to go when they visit him. They hate it. HATE it. The legalism, sexism, judgement, and exclusivity are just overwhelming.
Welcome here. Your experience with divorce in the CoC is not unique. I am aware of another with in my own family. The man was fooling around as usual and blamed the wife for fooling around. She was not. He ended up remarried and she didn't. Part of the problem is that divorce was grudgingly allowed in the Old Testament by God. I say grudgingly because God did not like it but allowed it. I know of many other divorces within the kids I went to church with. It runs about half. The Church of Christ is judgmental and famous for getting it wrong. Their divorce rate is not a shining example. They are many living in marriages while spiritually divorced. That is worse. I am sure there are many here that have experienced that

Matt 19:8 KJV saith unto them, Moses because of the hardness of your hearts suffered you to put away your wives: but from the beginning it was not so.

They of course they focus on passages later to make their point while ignoring the surrounding passages. The verses they focus on follow this passage. Jesus is making a point while the legalists make it a law. Much too dangerous to have a mate fooling around. Look up cervical cancer. There is a strain of human papilloma viris that you cannot see even gays get anal cancer from the same virus. Its rather obvious that males are the carriers.