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Hello/Great Site

Posted: Sun Dec 14, 2014 9:06 am
by papaoliver
My young wife's family was coC, so after much study I was baptized in 1968. The coC has a list of 'chain' scriptures, that when taken on their own are very logical and believable. I bought the 'cool aid,' and became a deacon, preached on occasion, debated, (converted and baptized many) and was asked to be an elder many times. I studied the bible daily, but only church of Christ approved scriptures. I learned them well and could wield them akin to a sharp sword.
I was horrified in the middle 1980s when it dawned on me I had never read the bible from beginning to end. Only daily studying coC 'chain scriptures.' So, I began a yearly study of the bible from Genesis 1 to Revelations 22. I was beyond astounded. The coC scriptures that appeared so logical (and true) paled when compared with the entire bible message. I was shocked, horrified, embarrassed, and ashamed not only that I'd believed and followed such a law based belief system, but that I had taught it to so many.
I was called to Army active duty (from the reserves) and was wounded, requiring serious surgery. My wife was also hospitalized with an illness and neither of us were able to attend Church services. We received a letter (not dis-fellowshipping us) but plainly stating that we were both lost and needed to repent. I refused to show the letter to my sick wife. In 2003 she died at age 50. Those who sent the letter stated that they had no idea we were so sick. I have never entered a church of Christ building since my wife's death. Knowing coC doctrine as well as I do I cut them to shreds in a biblical debates. They no longer wish to debate with me. papaoliver

Re: Hello/Great Site

Posted: Sun Dec 14, 2014 11:23 am
by bnot
Welcome to the forum! What an excellent way of describing how we are programmed in the coc. The coc uses their chain scriptures (out of context) to instill fear so one won't leave "the church." I'm reading through the bible now beginning to end and when I read a passage and compare it to coc doctrine I feel embarrassed as well. Nice introduction papaoliver :D

Re: Hello/Great Site

Posted: Sun Dec 14, 2014 11:41 am
by agricola
Welcome to the ex-board! Please come right in and pull up a chair.

Re: Hello/Great Site

Posted: Sun Dec 14, 2014 12:57 pm
by B.H.
I love to beat the shit out of CoCers in debate. Maybe me and you can be real good friends.

Re: Hello/Great Site

Posted: Sun Dec 14, 2014 10:27 pm
by Grace
Welcome! I haven't been here long, but it is a great place with lots of good discussion and support

Re: Hello/Great Site

Posted: Mon Dec 15, 2014 12:12 am
by Ivy
Welcome, PapaOliver!!

Re: Hello/Great Site

Posted: Mon Dec 15, 2014 12:21 am
by lvmaus
Welcome to the forum :D A great place to exchange thoughts.

This forum is filled with those - like you - that were once guilty of sipping, and at times guzzling the CoC Kool-aid.

Re: Hello/Great Site

Posted: Thu Dec 18, 2014 3:05 pm
by Porcupine

Re: Hello/Great Site

Posted: Sun Dec 21, 2014 1:13 am
by ena
lvmaus wrote:This forum is filled with those - like you - that were once guilty of sipping, and at times guzzling the CoC Kool-aid.
There was Kool-aid left over at Jonestown. :lol:

Re: Hello/Great Site

Posted: Sun Dec 21, 2014 1:13 pm
by lvmaus
ena wrote:
lvmaus wrote:This forum is filled with those - like you - that were once guilty of sipping, and at times guzzling the CoC Kool-aid.
There was Kool-aid left over at Jonestown. :lol:
Doubt if any of the brew would be leftover in the CoC; it provides the imbibers with perfect Biblical interpretation while allowing a person to faultlessly judge others ... very valuable stuff!