Guidelines for the Board. Please READ before posting.

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Guidelines for the Board. Please READ before posting.

Post by teresa »

This is a Support Group. There are many differing views on the board. The one overarching rule, which applies to all the forums, is that we NOT bash the beliefs and views of other members. For example, creating a post to say that fundamentalists are stupid, is not appropriate for this board. Nor is it appropriate to make derogatory comments about, say, atheists.

There are forums for Support and Agreement only. The way the Support and Agreement forums work, the opening poster sets the topic for which they are looking to give or to ask for support and agreement. Subsequent posters on the same thread are NOT to ask for support and agreement for viewpoints that differ from the intent of the opening poster. Nor is this a place to tell the opening poster that they are too one-sided or too definite in their view. The Support and Agreement forums operate in a similar way to non-confrontational face-to-face support groups.

In the Support and Agreement forums, it's better to say nothing rather than express disagreement with the opening poster. Some folks are at a place where differences of opinion are upsetting to them. Others might want a more focused conversation free from interruptions by those who disagree. The Support and Agreement forums are designed to provide a safe place for these needs.

There are two forums that allow Differing Views . Some folks are at a place where they enjoy exploring differences on some -- but not necessarily all -- topics. Please label your topics clearly, so folks can avoid reading the topics where differing views irritate or upset them.

Please also read the "Expectations" for each forum before posting in a forum. The same subjects can be discussed in either the Support and Agreement forums, or the Differing Views forums. It's just that they are to be discussed in different ways, as I explained above. If a post has been made in the Support and Agreement forums, please refrain from quoting or directly addressing that post in the Differing Views forums. It's okay to start a similar topic in the Differing Views forums.

Learning to get along with those who hold differing views from ourselves can be a tremendous step forward in healing, IMO. But it is also important to avoid reading those topics where a view differing from our own might result in our feeling upset or re-traumatized. If there is a particular person whom you find upsetting, you can (mostly) hide their posts by going to your control panel and clicking on the tab "friends and foes".

To report a post that does not confirm to the rules, click on the exclamation point (!) icon. Allow three days for a response, because moderators are not on the board 24/7.
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