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Posted: Sat Nov 02, 2019 3:58 pm
by Rita75
Not sure what to say, as I am challenged on so many levels.

I miss community but can't deal with the legalism and politics in the pulpit anymore.

So tired.

I have been here for a while and had to work through feeling like i am going to hell for not agreeing with what i was taught.

Sad statement that this group exist but glad it is here.

I want to start visiting other churches that recognize spiritual gifts and don't talk about them in past tense. Somewhere that acknowledges the Holy Spirit and not just make convenient scripture references.

Re: Lost

Posted: Sat Nov 02, 2019 4:11 pm
by agricola
Hi Rita - Welcome to the ex-board.
We usually recommend that people 'decompress' after leaving a coc, before jumping into some other church or denomination or faith - anything! FIRST settle yourself down satisfactorily for having LEFT, and THEN begin your search for a new or different faith community from a better place.

Also, do some due diligence first - chances are, you didn't get much of that before joining the coc. I'm probably making an assumption in that - but most coc members were BORN in it, rather than choosing that denomination as an adult. Most, but not all.

There's a pretty good book out there called 'Handbook of Denominations in the US' - you may find one at your local library perhaps - which gives very quick (and rather superficial, but useful) descriptions of hundreds of Christian (and some non-Christian)groups.

It may also be useful to you, to learn more about the basics of the Christian faith and its history IN GENERAL - maybe a class or an online source - just be sure what you are getting into and know it is a reliable source!


Also check out our 'New Paths' forum on this site, which has threads about all sorts of denominations and faiths. You can start your own thread (discussion) also - just post a question in that area and 'Ask About' anything you like.

Good luck. It DOES get better over time.

Re: Lost

Posted: Sat Nov 02, 2019 4:59 pm
by Cootie Brown
Making a change in the version of Christianity your ultimately decide to affiliate with, that often includes making a change in your beliefs, is enormously challenging emotionally. Leaving any fundamentalists (legalistic) version of Christianity will usually result in the destruction of your social structure too.

Those are some pretty big issues to deal with. It is often an emotionally traumatizing experience. It takes time, usually a lot of time, to work through all of of that but in the end most people are glad they made the change.

Sites like this are helpful, because we’ve been through that experience so we understand what you’re going through. Glad you found this site, I believe you will find it helpful.

Re: Lost

Posted: Sun Nov 03, 2019 3:45 pm
by Rita75
Thank you for the welcome and information.

I was born into it. Questions i had a a child were ignored in bible study. Things that did not make sense.

I decided to finally post after realizing the importance of community and seeing the New Paths section. I have no friends and the people who said they loved me do not behave with love.

I have so much to say . . . Mostly coming out in tears.

I wish there was a way to meet with you all. I do have one person who i know professionally but am not sure it is a good idea to have that conversation. I said Sundays morning and evening, Wednesdays and any time the doors open and she immediately knew and said she doesn't attend anymore and goes to a mix congregation. It is 2 hours away. I tried to attend a bible study and just got enraged with hearing people excited about God.


Re: Lost

Posted: Sun Nov 03, 2019 6:25 pm
by teresa
Welcome to the board.

Re: Lost

Posted: Mon Nov 04, 2019 11:02 pm
by Rita75
Thank you.