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Ex-CoC member glad to finally find support group

Posted: Sun Dec 08, 2019 5:05 am
by Cw83
Hi All,
glad to find this forum. Very hard to find any information on this very hidden sect.

I was baptised and was with them about a year. 2008 - 2010.

I left due to the controlling nature of the congregation.

The whole situation plays with my mind sometimes, especially the fact they said I rejected Christ and I am doomed to hell.

Still very much have belief in Christianity though.

Re: Ex-CoC member glad to finally find support group

Posted: Sun Dec 08, 2019 9:37 am
by Cootie Brown
Welcome Cw83. My wife and I became members of the c of C thru a Bible study with a c of C minister. My wife was a cradle Southern Baptist. I was baptized into the Baptist Church shortly after we were married.

There is a certain logic in the concept of restoration theology, at least on the surface. Their attempt to restore the church to its original form requires a legalistic view and interpretation of the Bible.That approach creates a legalistic mindset and thus a legalistic environment.

If a person is born and raised in that environment, and they have nothing to compare it to, then the extreme legalism appears to be the norm. Because we developed some close friendships we stayed with it far too long.

The numbers confirm the c of C is dying a slow death but it’s likely a small remnant will hang on far into the future. There are other Ex c of C sites, but I think this is the best one. Glad you found it.

Re: Ex-CoC member glad to finally find support group

Posted: Sun Dec 08, 2019 12:53 pm
by agricola
Welcome to the ex-board - I wouldn't say the coc is HIDDEN, they are just actually SMALL.

Please feel welcome to browse any of the discussion topics, and dive in to 'page 2...' as often as you like - it is perfectly okay to resurrect an old thread (make a comment on an older discussion topic) and pull it back to the top, if you see something!

This is a diverse group - but you will find plenty of people who left a coc without leaving Christianity (as well as some who did).

Re: Ex-CoC member glad to finally find support group

Posted: Sun Dec 08, 2019 4:08 pm
by Cw83
My immediate family are not Christians, but as a child I was drawn to Christianity.
I attended a Methodist church till about 16.

In my 20’s I almost became a Jehonahs Witness. In 2007 I met 2 nice lady’s that were very welcoming and I was taught the gospel, they said I needed to baptised to be saved ect.

In 2008 I was baptised at CoC it seemed too good to be true, Jehovah’s Witness have strict rules to join. After I was baptised I was ask so are you going to attend church every week.

I was not told about that but I did it.

I had a lot of conflicts with my family, my partner which is now my wife.

I was told if I wanted to advance I need to make a choice between my family partner included or the Church.
I wanted to get married and I was told that I would be “unequally yoked”.

I made my choice and after about a year I left the church.
I still feel that my baptism was a commitment to God, and forkful my commitments to him in my own way now.

Years later I still find myself drawn to cultish groups.I worked for a Christian school, and was close with a Christian man who attends a similar type of church. And that when I started searching for support again.

Re: Ex-CoC member glad to finally find support group

Posted: Mon Dec 09, 2019 9:09 pm
by teresa
Welcome to the board.