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Hello again...

Posted: Fri Dec 11, 2020 11:52 pm
by Fellow Traveler

Re: Hello again...

Posted: Sat Dec 12, 2020 6:24 am
by ena
Whether one is the at fault party or not not does not matter if you forgiven. Each person is individually judged with all aspects taken into consideration. Nothing is hidden. There are aspects to any relationship that no human can judge. Jesus is the judge he is human but with God's perspective, in the end you judge yourself. You should judge yourself without pride. We are all sinners and remain sinners. Jesus made that point over and over. How good your are or not is not part of the conversation when you are forgiven. That is because it no longer matters. Jesus summed it up in two commandments. Love the Lord God with all you heart and treat others as you would treat yourself. That does not mean be a door mat. Which is all too common in the Church of Christ. The second is the most tricky and the greatest point of failure for most. In the end your name is written in the Book Of Life or not. Its not magic It is some very hard work that is where most fail. Easy in concept hard to do right. Seek truth and ask God for it. Truth is precious and hard to find in our world. Prejudging people in the Church of Christ is poor such that Jesus condemns their mindset. Ot is not about religious rules it is about real sins as Jesus defined them. You can strain at a gnat and swallow a whole camel. If you have ever ridden a camel the sway. That is because they use their right and left feet together. A horse alternates them. This makes the ride smoother.

Re: Hello again...

Posted: Sat Dec 12, 2020 11:56 am
by Fellow Traveler
ena wrote:Whether one is the at fault party or not not does not matter if you forgiven. Each person is individually judged with all aspects taken into consideration. Nothing is hidden. There are aspects to any relationship that no human can judge. Jesus is the judge he is human but with God's perspective, in the end you judge yourself. You should judge yourself without pride. We are all sinners and remain sinners. Jesus made that point over and over. How good your are or not is not part of the conversation when you are forgiven. That is because it no longer matters. Jesus summed it up in two commandments. Love the Lord God with all you heart and treat others as you would treat yourself. That does not mean be a door mat. Which is all too common in the Church of Christ. The second is the most tricky and the greatest point of failure for most. In the end your name is written in the Book Of Life or not. Its not magic It is some very hard work that is where most fail. Easy in concept hard to do right. Seek truth and ask God for it. Truth is precious and hard to find in our world. Prejudging people in the Church of Christ is poor such that Jesus condemns their mindset. Ot is not about religious rules it is about real sins as Jesus defined them. You can strain at a gnat and swallow a whole camel. If you have ever ridden a camel the sway. That is because they use their right and left feet together. A horse alternates them. This makes the ride smoother.
We're not all Christians here, so you can save your sermon.

Re: Hello again...

Posted: Sat Dec 12, 2020 3:48 pm
by teresa
Fellow Traveler

It sounds like the preacher who posted meant well when he made his first post, and when you objected he became defensive. Then he back-tracked from his defensiveness and worked hard to see things from your perspective, and eventually agreed with you.

Re: Hello again...

Posted: Sun Dec 13, 2020 1:13 pm
by Ivy
Fellow Traveler, welcome back. Is this the same name you had when you were here before?

Re: Hello again...

Posted: Sun Dec 13, 2020 3:09 pm
by Fellow Traveler
Ivy wrote:Fellow Traveler, welcome back. Is this the same name you had when you were here before?
Thank you. Yes, I was here about 5 years or so ago with this name. I just didn’t post much.

Re: Hello again...

Posted: Sun Dec 13, 2020 4:44 pm
by SolaDude
I agree with you, Fellow, that his remark about not agreeing on everything was unnecessary. No one agrees on everything. But he in his own awkward way apologized, but then decided to throw in another salvo at you, saying you are wrong on things yourself and insulting you generationally. Again, unnecessary. No one is "right" on everything and no generation is "right". And as a preacher he does not need to point to others and tell them that they "are wrong on things" when three fingers point back at him.

It all comes from a mindset of relative righteousness possessed by "binary thinking" CoC'ers. They essentially, and I think really blindly, see themselves as relatively more righteous than others, everything out there is black and white. They are blessed by being "whiter" than others, righteous-wise. I would simply say that realizing that he lives in a world of regimented judgmentalism and self-righteousness perhaps might help get you past this. On the bottom line, he seems to have genuinely liked your Dad from this world. And maybe in the future he'll think before he says "we didn't agree on everything" about someone else.