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I am New Here

Posted: Sat Aug 01, 2015 3:43 pm
by FinallyFree
Just left COC this week. My husband met with an elder from our church who knew we had been visiting other churches, and he said we were free to go! Obviously, we had been attending a more liberal coc.
We are planning to attend the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ).
Telling our children is not a problem because they are all in their 20 ' s and have all quit church. My mother is another issue, though. She is old school COC. She lives in another state, so I don't plan on telling her at this time.
I have been questioning doctrine and many other things for years, but the main issue that has driven me is that I have a gay son. I am tired of hearing hateful things about gays because I know that some people ARE born that way. The Disciples of Christ do support civil rights for all people.
Yes, I was raised in COC and went to COC high school and college.
When I was growing up, things just didn't seem right, but I always thought it was just me. It took years to start learning the truth.

Re: I am New Here

Posted: Sat Aug 01, 2015 4:21 pm
by agricola
It's not just you.

Welcome to the ex-board!

Re: I am New Here

Posted: Sat Aug 01, 2015 5:14 pm
by GMan
Glad to have you with us, welcome!

Re: I am New Here

Posted: Sun Aug 02, 2015 8:08 am
by IntrepidOne
Welcome! Glad to have you here.

Re: I am New Here

Posted: Mon Aug 03, 2015 9:48 am
by NeverAgain
Welcome. And congratulations of making the change.

Re: I am New Here

Posted: Mon Aug 03, 2015 9:54 am
by Aarin
Welcome friend to the community and to the new-found freedom :)

Re: I am New Here

Posted: Tue Aug 04, 2015 11:01 pm
by cathym
Welcome! I'm a CoC PK who started attending a Disciples church a few months ago. I'm feeling enthusiastic about church for the first time in...well, ever, I think. Certainly in years. I haven't told my parents yet; they also live in another state, and I don't think Dad will take it well. My CoC experience was not as bad as many here, but I'm glad to be where I am now. I don't have children, but I feel like this church would be a much healthier place to raise kids than any of the CoCs I've attended over the years.

Re: I am New Here

Posted: Wed Aug 05, 2015 11:53 pm
by juliac
Welcome! So glad you're here! I'm so sorry to hear about the treatment your son received. Nobody deserves to be treated in such a disrespectful way even if they don't agree with the different lifestyles. Best of luck at your new church!