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Leaving for Orthodoxy

Posted: Wed May 18, 2016 4:17 pm
by gordie91
This has been a long time coming. I grew up in a very/ultra conservative CoC. At a very young age I had begun to see contradictions and people could not adequately give an answer without creating more contradictions. I don't have any horror stories, not yet. I just sent my exit letter this past week and about to break the news to the parents very soon. I went to a church in another town, I lived there, and my parents go a neighboring city church. I have been attending a Greek Orthodox Church for over a month and will begin the process this Sunday of becoming Orthodox, hence the exit letter and the need to inform the parents. Most all of my problems have been the idea that has always been taught about CoC is not a denomination and purports to be an exact copy of the 1st century church. Of course that is all dependent on how you read your bible and use the correct interpretation, heavy on the necessary inference. I have struggled with the legalism and judging of other denominations but in recent years I have been able to just shut those out. Since I have been studying the Orthodox Church and reading the Church Fathers the problems have been theologic in nature. Of course, when ever I bring up questions about the church throughout history the answers always seem lacking and honestly condescending. The whole apostasy and great falling away thing absolutely made no sense to me at all. Remnant, don't forget the remnant! Even though you don't see them in history, there was always a remnant, yeah right!

I am most curious as to how to handle the letters, phone calls and "chance meetings" once I fully go public about my endeavor to join the Orthodox Church, which most of you know is quite the foreign entity to an ultra conservative Church of Christ adherent. So far this support group has been a good place to start.

Re: Leaving for Orthodoxy

Posted: Wed May 18, 2016 5:54 pm
by GMan
Welcome. What I did was to write a letter to the elders stating something like this.....After much study and prayer I find my spiritual life needs more than what I am presently getting at this time. I worded it to the thinking of the elders. It worked, I got only one phone call from an elder (not the one I thought however). Hope your situation will be as easy.
Also Orthodoxy was one I was serious about.

Re: Leaving for Orthodoxy

Posted: Wed May 18, 2016 6:47 pm
by agricola
Welcome to the ex-board.

Hope everything works out okay with family.

Re: Leaving for Orthodoxy

Posted: Wed May 18, 2016 7:55 pm
by onward
Welcome to the board. Hope by our mutual sharing of information we can all grow and move on.

Re: Leaving for Orthodoxy

Posted: Wed May 18, 2016 9:32 pm
by flawed
Hi and welcome. I hope all goes well for you, I'd really like to hear back about how your family reacts.

Re: Leaving for Orthodoxy

Posted: Thu May 19, 2016 11:42 am
by KLP

Re: Leaving for Orthodoxy

Posted: Thu May 19, 2016 11:56 pm
by Moogy
Welcome, and I hope that your family is more understanding than some.

Re: Leaving for Orthodoxy

Posted: Fri May 20, 2016 12:12 pm
by gordie91
Thanks for the welcome, I guess since I have posted, the journey is about to get serious.

The former church members, have not contacted me since giving my "exit letter". I'm a little surprised, but when word gets out about my decision to become Orthodox, it might step up. Of course what can they do since I and my family are no longer members and how can a church "withdraw" if you are not "identified" with the "brethren"?

My father in-law is a well established and published minister so that could get interesting. Although he has mellowed somewhat in his older age. Still firmly planted in the restoration movement and all it entails. So anyone out there has some similar experience any advice would be appreciated.

My wife is great! She has questioned with me over the years some of the contradictions we find in the CoC but is not so sure about Orthodoxy. She has promised to back me in my decision and defend me in my journey to Orthodoxy. I guess after 25 plus years of marriage she understands me and I really appreciate her patience.

This Sunday will mark the official start of my move to Orthodoxy, so let the fun begin.

Re: Leaving for Orthodoxy

Posted: Sat Jun 04, 2016 12:05 am
by Lovedbygod
No one from the church contacted me when my family and I left the CofC. Only some upset family members. It was a very difficult time, but you get stronger when you follow your own conscience in spite of the negative consequences.

Re: Leaving for Orthodoxy

Posted: Sun Jun 12, 2016 11:57 pm
by B.H.
There is a man and woman, husband and wife, who converted to the Orthodox from Church of Christ that used to post here quite a lot. If I remember right he was a Church of Christ preacher.