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Maybe I just want to troll them...?

Posted: Fri Nov 21, 2014 4:43 pm
by Carl Kolchak
It's been a long time since I left the COC, and a lot of my former actively angry resentment towards them has evaporated since I live far away from my old home and have no contact with any of the old church members. However, there's no way in a million years (could I live that long) that I'd ever have anything to do with the COC again.

That said, I think I do enjoy trolling some of the more hardcore, ideologically rigid members. It's done solely for the amusement value, because they always react about as predictably as some of Pavlov's dogs once you push the right buttons. :lol:

This is just meanness on my part, I realize, but I really can't help doing it. That is probably not a very nice reflection on my personality, but I am not much of a troll, otherwise.

And that is my introduction.

Re: Maybe I just want to troll them...?

Posted: Fri Nov 21, 2014 6:44 pm
by lvmaus
Carl Kolchak wrote:That said, I think I do enjoy trolling some of the more hardcore, ideologically rigid members. It's done solely for the amusement value, because they always react about as predictably as some of Pavlov's dogs once you push the right buttons. :lol:
Welcome! Nothing wrong with checking out the Pharisees, although they seldom present anything worthwhile to consider. Try expressing an opposing opinion on one of their forums and see how long you last. :D