Speaking in tongues

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Speaking in tongues

Post by seekingthetruth »

Anyone on this board speak in tongues? I do and I love it! It brings me such peace.
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Re: Speaking in tongues

Post by Slwiser »

seekingthetruth wrote:Anyone on this board speak in tongues? I do and I love it! It brings me such peace.
Yes, I have for years.
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Re: Speaking in tongues

Post by agricola »

Slwiser - would you like to introduce yourself to the group, in the Welcome forum? We'd like to say 'hello'!
History is the fiction we invent to persuade ourselves that events are knowable and that life has order and direction. That's why events are always reinterpreted when values change. We need new versions of history to allow for our current prejudices.
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Re: Speaking in tongues

Post by seekingthetruth »

Slwiser - how many years have you been speaking in tongues? In what ways has it been beneficial for you?
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Re: Speaking in tongues

Post by Slwiser »

seekingthetruth wrote:Slwiser - how many years have you been speaking in tongues? In what ways has it been beneficial for you?
At least since my early 20s. I am now 65. How has it help? The best way to say this is when I am at witts end I find myself being held up when I normally would fall. Additionally, I find myself at times almost continually in prayer before our Precious Heavenly Father and when asking for understanding it almost always is some manner of praise to our Lord Christ Jesus.

Early authors I found helpful were T Austin Sparks and Watchman Nee. Currently an equal to those great men of God is Zac Poonen from India. The church Where He calls home has a web site cfcindia.com

BTW, none of these great men place any exceptional emphasis on speaking in tongues. It is after all called the least of the gifts but if God gives it I am going treasure it. I have found it to be a treasure to me.

Jesus is the Savior of man, our Redeemer and the One to whom we are to be conformed to in life and on the last day we will be like Him in the Air. The Bible is the Word of God as confirmed by His Spirit Who seals the elect and confirms His Word in us.
Last edited by Slwiser on Thu Sep 01, 2016 11:19 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Speaking in tongues

Post by seekingthetruth »

Thank you for responding. You are the first person that I have encountered that has been speaking in tongues for that many years. Wow! I hope that you do not mind if I ask you more questions. Where were you when you were baptized with the Holy Spirit? I hope that question is not too personal. Have you prophesied?
This wonderful gift is so new and exciting to me and I want to learn all I can about it.
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Re: Speaking in tongues

Post by Slwiser »

"Where were you when you were baptized with the Holy Spirit? "

I was very young as a teenager I believe when the Holy Spirit quicken me with the reality of this experience. The evidence was not an emotional event to me but an overpowering desire to know more and more about Jesus Christ. Having such love for Him that I could not understand it in any other context. I still struggled with sin but slowly over the years He has given me victory in many areas. He continues to open my eyes to areas that I must bring to the cross. I rarely get mad. I almost never use my tongue unwisely. Not to say that I speak smartly with adequate intelligence. Pride in what I just expressed is a sin I must confess while at the same time realizing He has worked these things in me. Learning that even in my failures (sin) His Glory will shine and bring me out of it has been wonderful to behold. This is a great lesson that He will make a way for me through the valleys of my life.

I have had many words of knowledge. I can't say that I have had prophecies. Understanding what prophecy is today is important. Preaching with an anointing can be very prophetic. Another way to express current prophecy is having a very strong view of God's Providence. Many times I have been talking about a new application of scripture to a life situation that I have not heard before only to find the concept breaking out all over. It is much like God is speaking and those with ears are hearing what is on His heart at that time.

Enough for now, this is not complete but maybe a little helpful, I pray.
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Re: Speaking in tongues

Post by seekingthetruth »

slwiser - I sent you a private message.
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Re: Speaking in tongues

Post by agricola »

I daresay - I am certainly not immune from circling! We are still (the board, the moderators) trying to refine the way the board 'works' so that posters in 'support' forums don't get upset by being contradicted. It is extremely difficult to avoid upsetting somebody, at some time in every situation, though.

In New Paths in particular, however, we try to be 100% supportive - so when you (originally) suggested a deficiency in some people's state of belief, that was just something we should try to avoid mentioning in New Paths. If somebody pops in and tells us they are so happy they now believe in the Flying Spaghetti Monster god, then we should just give them hugs and tell them how wonderful that they've found a place they love. And if they drop in and say their New Path is militant atheism and they hope to change the world, then we also give them hugs and tell them how wonderful they've found a place they love....

(even while, at home at the keyboard, we may be saying 'oh good heavens!')

To diss someone's position or belief set, we have to pop down to the 'discussion' area, probably either in Old Paths or the Coffee House, and bring it up THERE. It's tricky, and everybody gets it wrong sometimes. Especially in the middle of a thread - I will be responding to a thread discussion, and forget 'where' the discussion actually IS.

Ideally, of course, someone who is truly settled in their position would rarely be upset by being contradicted, but would instead feel secure in their decision, and would be able to withstand reasonable criticism....in the discussion area, that should be expected (argument, questions, contradictions). In the support area, we would like to minimize or avoid anything that seems negative, though. Even if the participants are 'okay' with something, it is possible that other people reading the thread might be unduly disturbed.

Reminder to everyone: more people are reading than the ones who post.
History is the fiction we invent to persuade ourselves that events are knowable and that life has order and direction. That's why events are always reinterpreted when values change. We need new versions of history to allow for our current prejudices.
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Re: Speaking in tongues

Post by Moogy »

Perhaps we need board software that color-codes the forums. Support forms could stay blue (think calm, peaceful). Discussion forums could be yellow (for caution--disagreements may occur). The Political form would have to be green (go--say whatever is on your mind). Somehow I doubt this color-coding feature is available. :P

Alas, no. I actually suggested something like that a couple of years ago, but it isn't an option. But teresa DID 'split' the board recently into 'supportive' and 'discussion' areas - what do you think so far?

And we are now thoroughly off the original topic....see how easy that was?
NI COC for over 30 years, but out for over 40 years now
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Left the UMC in 2019 based on their decision to condemn LGBT+ persons and to discipline Pastors who perform same-sex marriages
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