Praise God -- why are you grateful to God today?

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Re: Praise God -- why are you grateful to God today?

Post by ena »

seekingthetruth wrote: So, here was my belief. I had falsely believed that I would not need to ask prayers of other saints because I had received the baptism of The HOLY SPIRIT directly from JESUS, and prayed in tongues. I was certainly wrong about not needing the prayers of other saints!
I use a person near me who is best prayer warrior that I have seen. I am careful with saints because Jesus answers prayers not Mary. He can intercede with God and the Holy spirit because he, God and the Holy Spirit are of one perception. As such Jesus is a Human extension of God. He is in a resurrection body. To pray to Mary means that your prayers to Jesus are ineffective. Praying to Mary is a slap in the face of Jesus. He said, "No one comes to the father except by me." He ment it literally. He has also been given the authority to decide about your salvation or not. I am not sating that you meant that but there are many heresies in those that claim to be Christian. Trump claims to be Christian. Is he? Does he have empathy for anyone. Can you trust him in any way. The Holy Spirit is a good teacher. The prayers of others can help. I do not speak in tongues. If you do fine but there are many gifts not just one.
seekingthetruth wrote: he HOLY SPIRIT led me to James 5:16. This scripture stands as proof that I need others to be praying for me, and what happens when someone else does pray. I had stated before that I received a "spiritual surge" the morning after I had asked for prayers. The spiritual surge was because of the power of GOD'S written promise in His Word. GOD'S Word is not just ink on paper, but when applied accurately, it is full of power for every believer. The HOLY SPIRIT had just recently taught me what this scripture meant spiritually. It was a two-fold lesson for me. He taught me how I was wrong in my belief, and how powerful His promises can be when I believe and follow them.
I am glad you had a break through. For everyone it is often different but similar. People are different.
seekingthetruth wrote: I also learned that when JESUS gives a me a personal command to follow, I must do it or else I have opened the door for satan and his demons to enter. Once those spiritual squatters are within, it is very hard to get them out. Matthew 12:43-45

I am praising GOD for His ongoing classroom lessons, and for His blessing me to see where I went wrong.
I had to deal with squatters from the CoC for for years. I did not understand anything for years because the CoC has it wrong and twisted. It is that way in other churches so be real picky. Look for validation in scripture. If it is important it will pop out. I like your post.
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Re: Praise God -- why are you grateful to God today?

Post by seekingthetruth »

Praise Report!!!

I was on the trolley last week enjoying the ride and the view until the next stop when a young man entered and sat two rows ahead of me. After just a few short minutes, he took out his vape and deeply inhaled. As I am watching the vape cloud billowing out in the air, The HOLY SPIRIT urged me to speak up. I did hesitate for about five seconds; I remember waiting to see if I would be able to smell the scented aroma of his vape from where I was sitting.

When confronting others about some kind of sin, The HOLY SPIRIT has taught me to always be respectful and polite. So, I said, "Sir, (even though he was young enough to be my grandson), you are not supposed to be smoking on the trolley, and I can smell the smoke back here." He then took another drag on his vape, and told me in a very loud voice, that I could not smell the smoke, and that he did not need to hear this mess, today of all days. He also responded with an obscenity directed at me. Then he asked me "what I was going to do about it?" I told him that I would let the trolley operator know. He said "tell him, I don't care what the bleep (obscenity) you do!"

Then The HOLY SPIRIT told me to pray in tongues, which I did quietly under my breath. The young man was staring intently at me and I noticed that he could see my lips moving, because I had pulled down my mask when The HOLY SPIRIT pushed me to confront him. I did this because I wanted him to know who was speaking to him. He was not wearing a mask at all.

I never took my eyes off of him during this time. Then as I continued to pray, he asked me if I worked at some pet store in a much softer tone of voice. I did not respond to his question at all, but just kept praying. Less than about two minutes later, he said, "you're right; I should not be smoking in here." He even seemed somewhat embarrassed by his previous behavior. I thanked him for his response and then he quietly exited the trolley.

WOW! I was so surprised that prayer worked that fast. Thank You, HOLY SPIRIT for urging me to speak up and for subduing this young man's demons so quickly!

Then The HOLY SPIRIT told me that if that happens again, do not say that I am going to tell any human authority first, but tell the person that I am going to tell JESUS! Thank You My JESUS for letting me experience your Power in action.

Once again, thanking My JESUS for baptizing me in the The HOLY SPIRIT in the first place, and for teaching me how things work in the spiritual realm.

I am posting this praise report and the lessons The HOLY SPIRIT taught me under 'speaking in tongues'. This is such an important concept to share and to understand about the Power of speaking in tongues.
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Re: Praise God -- why are you grateful to God today?

Post by seekingthetruth »

Incoming praise report!

A few months ago I had been struggling with a medical issue that I had experienced periodically. To keep the focus on the spiritual part, I will not go into the specific details of what my medical issue was. Praise GOD it was nothing major though. It began as something that was annoying, but it became progressively worse.  The first time it happened to me many years ago, I went to the medical clinic to have it resolved. I saw what the nurse did and decided to do it myself. On numerous occasions, I was blessed to take care of it successfully at home. But this time, The HOLY SPIRIT definitely told me not to go to the clinic.

I attempted the medical procedure myself this time, but it was not working at all. This medical problem went on for at least two months. I was so frustrated. This health issue was dominating my thoughts. Since I had met and follow JESUS, I knew that I was not to just accept this medical problem and live with it from now on. I continued to pray about it and I was asking JESUS why the usual remedy was not working this time. The HOLY SPIRIT placed on my heart to ask if it was a spiritual issue as well. He let me know that my ongoing physical condition did indeed have a spiritual root, and that the spiritual root had to be dealt with first in order to have the physical part of my medical problem resolved.

In this case, the spiritual root was my sin of disobedience. The HOLY SPIRIT had told me to do something that I had not done in a timely manner, which was at least two months before my medical issue. I kept delaying what needed to be done. I learned that He was using this medical issue to get my attention.

On a Saturday night, while I was singing praises to JESUS, all of a sudden JESUS spoke so clearly to me within my Spirit, and told me exactly what to do in order to resolve my medical issue. He gave me those instructions so quickly, and they were different from what I usually did to resolve it.  Then I went and followed all of His instructions. It worked better than I could have ever imagined. It was amazing, I had never had results like that before. PRAISE GOD! The medical issue was finally completely resolved! Thank you JESUS! When I looked back on my calendar, I saw that JESUS had healed me the day after I finally did what He had told me to do two months before.  

If I had been obedient right away, I would have avoided all that discomfort. I am not glad that I sinned, but the positive lesson was what The HOLY SPIRIT taught me about it, and what He wants me to share with those who are open to hearing what The HOLY SPIRIT taught me about how things work in the spiritual realm. The HOLY SPIRIT was teaching me something so powerful. He was teaching me about the spiritual root of medical conditions as well as afflictions in general. He was showing me how things work in the spiritual realm regarding GOD’S protection and what suffering sin can cause. I am so thankful for this lesson. 

I am also so thankful that JESUS did not allow Satan to afflict me with something more severe. He is so loving and merciful. Thank You JESUS for opening up my spiritual eyes in order to see how things work in the spiritual realm.
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Re: Praise God -- why are you grateful to God today?

Post by Moogy »

What an experience for you. This episode surely strengthened your faith.
NI COC for over 30 years, but out for over 40 years now
Mostly Methodist for about 30 years.
Left the UMC in 2019 based on their decision to condemn LGBT+ persons and to discipline Pastors who perform same-sex marriages
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Re: Praise God -- why are you grateful to God today?

Post by seekingthetruth »

Thank You JESUS for blessing me to see another year! Although if JESUS said that the work here He created me to do while on His earth is done, and He is coming to get me soon, I would be so happy to leave this earth! But since He has not told me that yet, I need to get busy doing His will.  

Thank You JESUS for blessing me with such good health. Thank You HOLY SPIRIT for all the spiritual knowledge that You shared with me last year, not only from Your Word, but for teaching me how to apply that spiritual knowledge to my life.  Thank You for teaching me how sin works.

While on the subject of sin, I want to begin this year by confessing my sins and repenting of those sins (1 John 1:9). The HOLY SPIRIT has taught me that repentance is so good for my soul.  Not only does repentance help me to sleep well at night, but it helps me to refocus on what is really important to JESUS.

I have been so lazy and disobedient last year in so many ways. I really need to pray much more than I have been doing. I need to not become distracted with worldly thoughts and desires. I know that I need to speak up boldly for and about JESUS at every opportunity. I also need to focus only on what The HOLY SPIRIT wants me to think, say and do. 

"Heavenly Father, I repent of all those things that I did not say and do last year. As well as the things I did say and do that was not pleasing to YOU. Please bless me to know what Your specific will is for me at each moment and to do it immediately. In JESUS' Name Amen."
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