Why is smoking/vaping a sin?

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Why is smoking/vaping a sin?

Post by seekingthetruth »

Last year, I was asked why I thought smoking/vaping is sinful. Of course, I was waiting to hear from The Holy Spirit.  Well, here is my long response. 

Why is smoking/vaping a sin? Simply, it is idolatry. It is something that is looked to as some kind of false fulfillment and comfort. Something a person becomes totally dependent on instead of on God. Human beings crave the things God created and use them inappropriately instead of seeking to find and follow The Creator.  The simple definition of idolatry is anything or anyone that comes before God that a person is devoted to. 

Instead of seeking God, a person seeks something physical to soothe their insecurities, fears, and anxieties. But in this case, it is in vain because not only will this habit not address those real fears/anxieties, it will most likely lead to some kind of physical damage. Satan has tricked many people into believing that something harmful is really helpful.

I had always tended to overlook the word "idolatry" when I was reading the bible because I always associated it with the people in The Old Testament bowing down to specific images.

Today's idols look very different. By the way, a false religion and its practices is idolatry. The false religion becomes the false god. 

Also, our bodies are designed to be a temple of God, where The Holy Spirit would dwell."Know ye not that ye are the temple of God, and that the Spirit of God dwelleth in you? If any man defile the temple of God, him shall God destroy; for the temple of God is holy which temple ye are" (1 Corinthians 3:16-17).

God created human beings to worship Him only. That is the only place where true fulfillment is. "Then saith Jesus unto him, Get thee hence, Satan; for it is written, Thou Shalt Worship The Lord Thy God, and Him Only Shalt Thou Serve" (Matthew 4:10).

"But the hour cometh, and now is, when the true worshippers shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth: for the Father seeketh such to worship Him.
God is a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth" (John 4:23, 24). 

Of course, since God knows everything, He therefore already knew that humans are prone to worship false gods. That is why He made it very clear right away in the first two of the ten commandments. 

"I am the Lord thy God, which have brought thee out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage. Thou shalt have no other gods before me" (Exodus 20:2-3). 

That God used the word "house" when referring to bondage is really important. That house represents something that is not a temporary place, but becomes a permanent dwelling place.

He also then goes on to specify what people should not make their false "gods" out of.
"Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of anything that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth" (Exodus 20:4).

"Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them: for I the Lord thy God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me; and shewing mercy unto thousands of them that love me, and keep my commandments" (Exodus 20:5-6).

The whole topic of idolatry is a subject of anger to God. 3000 people were destroyed when they made and worshipped the golden calf. Then in Judges 2:14, 20; 3:7-8, the anger of The Lord was hot because they worshipped other gods. 

"And the children of Israel did evil in the sight of the Lord, and forgat the Lord their God, and served Baalim and the groves. Therefore the anger of the Lord was hot against Israel, and he sold them in the hand of Chu-shan-rish-a-tha-im king of Mesopotamia;..." (Judges 3:7-8).

Is smoking/vaping blessed by God? Is He telling a person to do it? Do people become healthy when they do it? Could smoking/vaping lead to any kind of suffering and an early death? The answers to these questions are obvious.  What about the many smoking related diseases (asthma, chronic bronchitis, COPD, diabetes, emphysema, heart disease,  strokes, etc.) and also the different kinds of smoking related cancers?
I still remember the commercial with that lady that was still smoking through the hole in her throat. That was so heartbreaking. 

I was recently watching some videos from some teenagers who had started vaping at an early age. They shared how their lives were negatively impacted by doing it. It led many to even more anxiety; they started isolating themselves from their families and friends. It was so heartbreaking to watch. The good thing is that they all stopped vaping and learned a very valuable lesson.

My heart goes out to people who smoke/vape because the enemy has them in a "house" of bondage. He has them in bondage spiritually, physically, emotionally, and financially. 

Where I live now, I see and hear people going out just about every hour or two to smoke. Just recently, one neighbor was selling some of his personal things to get money to buy cigarettes. Also, he was desperately knocking on anyone's door that had given him a cigarette in the past hoping that he would receive another free one. 

I had no understanding about any of this when I was a child. I remember watching movies and television shows when I was younger that glamorized it. They made it look so cool. 
Even physicians back then even smoked and promoted it! I remember how fascinated I was back then watching people blow smoke out of their mouth and nose. 

I also remember buying those candy cigarettes and pretending that I was smoking.  I tried an actual cigarette once during the summer when I was very young. I inhaled and then coughed so badly, I thought I would never catch my breath. That scared me! I flushed that thing so fast. I never was drawn to one again. Praise God!

I have watched many people choke on their inhalations.  I will watch a person take a deep drag on their vape and then cough for about 20 seconds. Then they will take another deep drag as though that coughing meant nothing. 

I was talking to a bus driver about vaping and she shared that she knows an older couple that had smoked for many years, but decided to switch over to vaping. The woman was excited to try the different flavors. The driver said that after about six months of vaping, the woman had developed stage 4 lung cancer. 

It is so sad to think how many people have died before their time because of this damaging and sinful habit. A person who chooses to smoke or vape is voluntarily and purposefully poisoning their own body. That is exactly Satan's plan. They pollute their own bodies and then pollute the air around them as well. 

I saw so many people smoking back when I was homeless. Some could not focus on finding a place to live because they were so focused on getting the next cigarette. When people approach me and ask me if I have a cigarette or a light, my response is always, "I do not smoke and neither should you!" I have said this numerous times and no one has ever gotten upset by my response. Their usual response is, "I know." 

While I was staying in a shelter, some of us decided to count the number of people who smoked, but then decided it would be just easier to count the number of people who did not smoke. There were only about seven of us out of at least 30+ women who did not smoke. 

Also, when someone on the street has tried to sell me a cigarette (a onesie), I ask him, "why are you selling death?" Because that is exactly what a person is doing. People do tend to get upset when I ask that question because they know deep down they should not be doing it.

I remember when I was homeless and right after, people were constantly asking me for a cigarette or for a light. It used to really upset me so much because it happened constantly. Then The Holy Spirit said that He allows it because it is a great way to start a conversation with the person. Their question is a great way to begin a conversation about why they smoke and talking to them about how Jesus can deliver them.
Also, when I would see people walking down the street, looking on the ground, I used to think they were looking for money, which they could be, but I learned that most are really looking for cigarette butts that can still be smoked. He/she will pick up these butts and then turn to the first person they see and ask for a light.

They do not care that the cigarette butt has been on the ground, or if rats or other critters have been scampering over it. I was seeing people smoking these discarded butts all throughout Covid. They did not care about anything but that nicotine fix. They would collect them like they were pieces of gold. I just found out that there is even a term for these cigarette butt seekers. It is called "sniping."

This all points to idolatry. When what I call "the cluster" sins are listed, The words idolatry or idolaters are always among them. In 1 Corinthians 6:9-10; Galatians 5:19-21; Ephesians 5:3-5; Colossians 3:5; 1 Peter 4:1-3; Revelation 21:8, 22:15.

It is no wonder that both John and Paul gave warnings about idols."Little children, keep yourselves from idols" (1 John 5:21). "Wherefore, my dearly beloved, flee from idolatry" (1Corinthians 10:14). They both knew how much God hates idolatry and the destruction it would bring.

But the beauty of Jesus and His Power is that He can deliver everyone from this evil affliction. Many years ago, I was told that someone in my family was delivered instantly from it, and I have met others who have been delivered from it as well. Praise God!

1 Peter 5:8 "Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about seeking whom he may devour."
The word "devour" in the Greek means to annihilate, to destroy. 

That verse is very powerful. One thing that The Holy Spirit has taught me is that Satan is always trying to get people hooked on the wrong things (substances) and the wrong people to keep them in bondage. He then adds more and more substances. He knows how much God hates idolatry. 
Now, of course, there are many other things that can become idolatry. Cell phones, shopping, relationships, education, physical appearance, food, the internet, success, etc.

If a person has a relationship with The Lord, He will let them know when something has gone into idolatry.
The Holy Spirit reminded me of my own time of idolatry. Years ago, I used to purchase a smoothie every Saturday. It was the highlight of my day. I even had a special recipe that I had created that they made for me. I went to the same place and purchased the largest size. I would sit in my car and slowly drink it. I savoured every sip. 

This went on for about two years. Then one day The Holy Spirit told me I had to stop doing it because it had become idolatry. I knew He was right. I stopped immediately.  
The Holy Spirit teaches that I have to understand why He hates idolatry so much. 

The Jewish people were considered the spouse of God. 
"Not according to the covenant that I made with their fathers in the day that I took them by the hand to bring them out of the land of Egypt; which my covenant they brake, although I was an husband unto them, saith the Lord" (Jeremiah 31:32). 

"For thy Maker is thine husband; the Lord of hosts is his name; and thy Redeemer the Holy One of Israel; The God of the whole earth shall he be called" (Isaiah 54:5).

"Turn, O backsliding children, saith the Lord; for I am married unto you:..." (Jeremiah 3:14).

When the Israelites chose idols, according to God, they were committing adultery. He even called it harlotry. "And I saw, when for all the causes whereby backsliding Israel committed adultery I had put her away, and given her a bill of divorce; yet her treacherous sister Judah feared not, but went and played the harlot also" (Jeremiah 3:8).
Since people found an evil purpose for the tobacco leaf, I was curious to find out what other purposes the tobacco leaf can be used for. One was for killing pests, such as centipedes, caterpillars and snails. These pests cannot stand the smell of nicotine. 

Also, it can be used to make an all-natural insect repellent. In both cases, it seems the insects have more sense than us humans. 
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Re: Why is smoking/vaping a sin?

Post by SolaDude »

My opinion seekingthetruth is that believers come in many sin-stricken ways. Overeating for example. Is it not a sin? If it brings ill health to one, is overeating and obesity not also a sin? Those who are "addicted" to Snickers or any other "bad" food, could that not be seen a sin? Those who become believers who smoke or vape know it, ISTM, and are most likely guilt-ridden and ashamed over it. So, I don't know, ISTM that believers all struggle over challenges to the maintenance of their own body, the temple of the Holy Spirit, in some way, in exactly the same fashion as a smoker/vaper. Perhaps it's the right attitude (heart) to look at, for the flesh is weak, very weak??
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Re: Why is smoking/vaping a sin?

Post by longdistancerunner »

First please define for me what you consider to be a sin? Then we can discuss this issue. Saying that a practice is unhealthful is sinful seems somewhat ridiculous to me.
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Re: Why is smoking/vaping a sin?

Post by agricola »

'Sin' is strong word. I would consider something to be a 'sin' if it worked to separate me from a good relationship with God.
Personally, I think calling people 'sinful' for relatively trivial behaviors which are simply not idea, is a lot more of a 'sin' than the behavior itself.

Is smoking, vaping, etc 'bad for your health'? Certainly. Does it separate a person from God? Pardon the French here: H double hockey sticks NO.

But stigmatizing OTHER people for their (relatively trivial) sins while failing to address ONE'S OWN MAJOR PROBLEMS (like 'loving your neighbor' perhaps) was definitely addressed in the gospels in the story about the splinter/beam in the eyes.

If there is a reason to worry about sinning, people should ideally start with their own issues. And then continue with their own issues. And then finish with their own issues.

Paul also had things to say about people doing things they thought were wrong, when other people didn't think they were wrong. I'm pretty sure he said something like 'live and let live', and 'if you think its wrong, don't do it'.

Sorry. I probably shouldn't be in this section in the first place.
History is the fiction we invent to persuade ourselves that events are knowable and that life has order and direction. That's why events are always reinterpreted when values change. We need new versions of history to allow for our current prejudices.
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Re: Why is smoking/vaping a sin?

Post by faithandmore »

I don't know if it is a sin. But its unhealthy. My dad smoked and vaped during his later years and I think it made his diabetes worse. It's not good for the vascular system. He almost lost his foot when it got infected.
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Re: Why is smoking/vaping a sin?

Post by Gauronaolo »

Smoking or vaping is often seen as a sin because it messes with our bodies and our relationship with God. Many think it's wrong because it puts something harmful before our spiritual and physical health. Our bodies are supposed to be temples, and filling them with smoke or vapor is like disrespecting them. Smoking and vaping can cause serious health problems. It's not just about hurting ourselves but also about setting a bad example for others. Seeing people suffer from smoking-related diseases is heartbreaking. Ultimately, it's about making choices that respect our faith and health.
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