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Where I'm at right now

Posted: Sun Feb 01, 2015 2:25 pm
by illuminator
Thought I'd share where I'm at right in my worship since leaving the coc. I visited other churches. Some I liked, some i didn't. I started worshiping at home. Just quiet time with the Lord. Some music. Yes, contemporary Christian music! Gasp! My worn Bible. A book of prayers for different occasions. And a devotional. It's really nice. I also participate in a Bible study/worship service with members in my apartment building. It feels very good. I want to believe this is more like 1st century worship than those five acts. Also my group does things like a book club, visitation, help others as we can etc. No collection plates, just giving of ourselves. Someone we know needs groceries, we pitch in. No pressures, no rules, just giving. And I don't do this at a set time once a week. Each morning is set aside for God. I feel more at peace, in tune with Him than i that cold heartless building.

Just wanted to share this.

Re: Where I'm at right now

Posted: Sun Feb 01, 2015 2:45 pm
by AtPeace
That sounds lovely, loving and peaceful. What more could a person need? So happy for you.

Re: Where I'm at right now

Posted: Sun Feb 01, 2015 2:51 pm
by zeek

Re: Where I'm at right now

Posted: Sun Feb 01, 2015 4:09 pm
by B.H.
I am glad you finally got away from that stupid ass church of christ you were going to.

Re: Where I'm at right now

Posted: Mon Feb 02, 2015 7:14 am
by illuminator
B.H. wrote:I am glad you finally got away from that stupid ass church of christ you were going to.
So am I. So am I.

Re: Where I'm at right now

Posted: Mon Feb 02, 2015 9:21 am
by GMan

Re: Where I'm at right now

Posted: Tue Feb 03, 2015 2:45 am
by bnot
illuminator wrote:Thought I'd share where I'm at right in my worship since leaving the coc. I visited other churches. Some I liked, some i didn't. I started worshiping at home. Just quiet time with the Lord. Some music. Yes, contemporary Christian music! Gasp! My worn Bible. A book of prayers for different occasions. And a devotional. It's really nice. I also participate in a Bible study/worship service with members in my apartment building. It feels very good. I want to believe this is more like 1st century worship than those five acts. Also my group does things like a book club, visitation, help others as we can etc. No collection plates, just giving of ourselves. Someone we know needs groceries, we pitch in. No pressures, no rules, just giving. And I don't do this at a set time once a week. Each morning is set aside for God. I feel more at peace, in tune with Him than i that cold heartless building.

Just wanted to share this.
This sounds very refreshing, glad you shared this.

Re: Where I'm at right now

Posted: Sun Mar 22, 2015 6:13 pm
by BlessedWifeAndMama
Agree with the comment about "sounds refreshing"! A brother and I have been studying 'worship' in both the OT and NT- and you hit on something we have been discussing as it appears worship was a personal thing - not a "group" "assembly" "corporate" thing... Wonderful to hear of others seeking to find the peace that comes when we love one another and seek our Creator during our day to day lives, not just an hour or two a week.
