Any unmarried CoC ministers?

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Any unmarried CoC ministers?

Post by longdistancerunner »

I never saw a CoC minister who was not married. My guess is even being divorced for adultery would make you ineligible. I don't remember any whose wife died. I did hear of some CoC ministers who had affairs, for one ended ittheir preaching career, another survived it but was fired at the church it happened.
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Re: Any unmarried CoC ministers?

Post by zeek »

I never knew of a coC preacher of any real adult age that was a "never married". I do know one who is still preaching even though his wife left him some 15 or so years ago. He decided, after they had been married for probably ten years, that he should be a preacher. She didn't sign on for that duty. She tried it for a few years but finally walked away. Surprisingly, the congregation he was preaching for were able to accept it and he's still there. CoC royalty Guy Woods was in a similar situation. His wife left him because she wanted a better life than a coC preacher's salary, in those days, would provide.
"All things are difficult before they are easy."(found in a fortune cookie)
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