Where's the coC at the County Fair?

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Pitts S2C
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Where's the coC at the County Fair?

Post by Pitts S2C »

My local Fair is in full swing and several local churches have booths promoting themselves. Gideons even has a booth handing out Bibles. So where is the coC? If they need and want to grow they should be there. If they are the only ones who are right they should definitely be there. As I think of it, I never run into my former coCers at the Fair. Maybe it's not an acceptable activity. With all of that food you would think they would have 100% coC member attendance.
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Re: Where's the coC at the County Fair?

Post by illuminator »

You's think they'd be there! In my experiences, the coc is ass-backwards about some things. For instance, several local newspapers, TV, radio stations, and bulletin boards offer free listings for church services, but the coc refuses. I'm in a college town and the coc has been invited to speak at chapel, but they refuse. Other churches make up welcome gifts or cookies for students, but not the coc. And when college students do attend services, where are they going? Not the coc.
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Re: Where's the coC at the County Fair?

Post by Struggler »

There's a mentality among many C of C circles that participating in something like that puts them on an equal footing with other denominations. They seem to think themselves above that. Plus, it also means being involved in the community. To a lot of C of C'ers, community involvement is going to church 3 times a week or knocking on doors for a "Gospel Meeting."
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Re: Where's the coC at the County Fair?

Post by MusicMan826 »

My old church took out an ad space at the local movie theater. Their ad was a plain blue background with small blue text with the church name and address on it. Absolutely no thought or effort went into it whatsoever. During business meetings putting ads in the paper or online always came up, but it never actually happened. There were the gospel meeting fliers that we were forced to go door to door handing out. But they were just a list of sermon topics and a list of "what we believe", nothing eye-catching or nothing memorable whatsoever. It's no wonder no one outside of the CoC showed no interest whatsoever.
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Re: Where's the coC at the County Fair?

Post by Struggler »

I attended a church in college that took out ads for its Gospel Meetings. Once, I was asked to take care of that. They way it was discussed and all, you'd have thought I was going to the newspaper building to close a multi-billion dollar merger.
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Re: Where's the coC at the County Fair?

Post by katisha »

I remember pulling duty at the CofC booth at the state fair. We pulled the JOY bus in and set up card tables in front of the door, covered with tracts. We had a large cooler of water, which started off cold but ended up luke warm by the end of the day. Free water and we will save your soul while you drink. That was a miserable hot dirty and tiring day. And I don't think any one took a tract. But at least we tried, we were told by the elders. The fair lasted 10 days and I think we pulled the bus out after the first three.

We also used the JOY bus in the local parades. We all had to sit in the bus, stick our hands out the windows with these stupid sock puppets on them and wave. Again, very hot and useless work.
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Re: Where's the coC at the County Fair?

Post by NeverAgain »

No, no, katisha. You don't understand. You offered the "truth" to these people, an they rejected it. So now, the bubbas and biddies in the congregation are "safe." They offered the truth about the one true church, it was rejected, and all those people can be consigned to the lake of fire for eternity. What better basis for smug self-satisfaction can be found?
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Re: Where's the coC at the County Fair?

Post by cathym »

A few years ago, I was at our county fair and ran into someone from the congregation I was in the process of deciding to leave at the time. We exchanged a few pleasantries, and moved on. A few days later I got a card in the mail from him. I expected something like "We've been missing you, and hope to see you at church again soon."

Nope. It was a nastygram condemning me for my beliefs on same-sex marriage and other issues. One of the final straws that convinced me I did not belong there any more, and which has lead me to where I am now.
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Re: Where's the coC at the County Fair?

Post by Ashes64 »

My dad mans the booth at the county fair every year. Several days if not all of them. Of course this is John Clayton's church so it's all false teaching anyway :lol:
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Re: Where's the coC at the County Fair?

Post by KLP »

I have missed the county fair for a couple of years now I think. The Methodist have the best pies, the Catholics have the best donuts (Holy Donuts). The tire burnout contest is the most egregious and stupid thing to watch IMO.

In case this is not something you are aware of here is how it works.
It is an awesome wonder to behold especially if there is not too much wind. Most amazing is seeing 4 teenagers in a giant F350 quad cab 4 wheel drive that you know is the expensive family vehicle and chain the frame or axle to a concrete anchor and then burn all the tires for upwards of a minute and envelope the entire venue in nasty tire smoke while the crowd cheers....amazingly stupid and American. And there are 20 cars lined up to do this one after another. Winner is determined by applause.

Prize is $100. Just spectacular.
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