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Re: Christmas Eve on Wednesday

Posted: Thu Dec 25, 2014 1:18 pm
by lvmaus
musicman wrote:Where is the "BCV" for having service on Wednesday night?

I never got an answer to that question.

However, to most C o C folks it's just as sacred as the Sunday gatherings and missing Wednesday night is considered "forsaking the assembly."
Most CoC groups are sticklers for their members being present - and accounted for - every time the doors are flung open. Their interpretation of "forsaking the assembly" differs drastically from my understanding ... to forsake the assembly is to QUIT GOING ALTOGETHER, not just missing an occasional assembly.

Seems somewhat reasonable that if a member meets with the church only on Sunday - morning or night - he/she is not guilty of "forsaking the assembly" even if they miss Wednsday night Bible study, or any other assembly. IMHO

Re: Christmas Eve on Wednesday

Posted: Fri Dec 26, 2014 12:57 am
by bnot
lvmaus wrote:
musicman wrote:Where is the "BCV" for having service on Wednesday night?

I never got an answer to that question.

However, to most C o C folks it's just as sacred as the Sunday gatherings and missing Wednesday night is considered "forsaking the assembly."
Most CoC groups are sticklers for their members being present - and accounted for - every time the doors are flung open. Their interpretation of "forsaking the assembly" differs drastically from my understanding ... to forsake the assembly is to QUIT GOING ALTOGETHER, not just missing an occasional assembly.

Seems somewhat reasonable that if a member meets with the church only on Sunday - morning or night - he/she is not guilty of "forsaking the assembly" even if they miss Wednsday night Bible study, or any other assembly. IMHO
I agree 100%

Re: Christmas Eve on Wednesday

Posted: Fri Dec 26, 2014 10:36 am
by Struggler
I have actually talked to C of C'ers who believe Sunday evening and Wednesday night services are mentioned in the Bible. Seriously.

For years, I have attended Christmas Eve services at different churches. The past six or seven have been at a Presbyterian church not far from me. They do a candlelight service that ends with "Silent Night." It is moving and the first year I went, I almost lost it, thinking of the hateful old biddies who would scream their worship of preachers and the Bible at these good people who are worshiping and thanking God.

Re: Christmas Eve on Wednesday

Posted: Fri Dec 26, 2014 9:37 pm
by Lev
Struggler wrote:I have actually talked to C of C'ers who believe Sunday evening and Wednesday night services are mentioned in the Bible. Seriously.
Really?! I'm secretly interested in the obscure theological gymnastics that COCers do to provide BCV for their clearly man-made practices. Not that there's anything wrong with man-made practices to me, but it does certainly go against COC "Bible only" theology. Do you remember the specific scriptures that your COCers used?


Re: Christmas Eve on Wednesday

Posted: Fri Dec 26, 2014 11:43 pm
by Ivy
B.H. wrote:As a Muslim it is a religious duty to stay out of church services, can't be encouraging false doctrine ya know. :lol:
My son is dating a lovely Muslim woman and she has wholeheartedly helped us celebrate Christmas. We didn't go to church services, however. :twisted:

Re: Christmas Eve on Wednesday

Posted: Fri Dec 26, 2014 11:46 pm
by Ivy
HAHAHA it just occurred to me.....perhaps the uber conservative cofcs MUST cancel Wednesday
night services on Christmas Eve so as to avoid the very appearance of evil.

Re: Christmas Eve on Wednesday

Posted: Sat Dec 27, 2014 12:48 am
by shlybluz
klp wrote:We saw a local cofc announce that Wed night was cancelled. Wife pointed out the irony that some folks may only go on xmas eve and that xmas eve is in fact a special night and then this place says this is the time you can skip. Yeah, I know...they celebrate Easter every Sunday...right. :roll:
LOL. Where I used to go cancelled on xmas eve/day if it fell on Wednesday as far back as I can remember. Reason was that the congregation had so many folks move in over the years that had family out of the area and would be out of town (attendance the Sunday after always took a big dip because of so many still in transit from wherever they had been). One of those years was after we sold our building and were renting temporary quarters from a Baptist church (we met on Sunday afternoons and Thursday nights while we were between buildings).

Re: Christmas Eve on Wednesday

Posted: Sat Dec 27, 2014 12:52 am
by agricola
I don't think Thursdays are Biblically authorized meeting times.

Re: Christmas Eve on Wednesday

Posted: Sat Dec 27, 2014 1:03 pm
by MusicMan826
Struggler wrote: For years, I have attended Christmas Eve services at different churches. The past six or seven have been at a Presbyterian church not far from me. They do a candlelight service that ends with "Silent Night." It is moving and the first year I went, I almost lost it, thinking of the hateful old biddies who would scream their worship of preachers and the Bible at these good people who are worshiping and thanking God.
I attended my very first Christmas service this year. It was at a non-denomination community church that was very open and accepting of everyone. It was absolutely beautiful and moving and you could tell everyone there was moved. At the end I couldn't help but also think of the hateful old biddies, elders and preacher screaming how everyone there was sinning by celebrating the birth of Jesus and how God was frowning down upon them and how they're serving self over God.

Re: Christmas Eve on Wednesday

Posted: Sat Dec 27, 2014 9:58 pm
by Struggler
Lev wrote:
Struggler wrote:I have actually talked to C of C'ers who believe Sunday evening and Wednesday night services are mentioned in the Bible. Seriously.
Really?! I'm secretly interested in the obscure theological gymnastics that COCers do to provide BCV for their clearly man-made practices. Not that there's anything wrong with man-made practices to me, but it does certainly go against COC "Bible only" theology. Do you remember the specific scriptures that your COCers used?


Some cited Hebrews 10:25 and said that whenever the elders decided the church should meet, everyone should be there. A few simply didn't know what the Bible said about it (nothing) and just assumed it was since the C of C did it.