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Re: Quick Hide the Beer!

Posted: Fri Jun 08, 2018 5:37 pm
by Cootie Brown
May I suggest you ladies try a white wine called Riesling. My wife doesn't like reds or merlot's because they often require an acquired taste, but she loved Riesling the first time she tried it. It's a very smooth tasting wine. If that works you might progress to a white Zinfandel. It's just a tad stronger.

I've acquired a taste for the deep reds and merlot's, but that took awhile.

Re: Quick Hide the Beer!

Posted: Sat Jun 09, 2018 7:40 am
by Ivy
Cootie Brown wrote:May I suggest you ladies try a white wine called Riesling. My wife doesn't like reds or merlot's because they often require an acquired taste, but she loved Riesling the first time she tried it. It's a very smooth tasting wine. If that works you might progress to a white Zinfandel. It's just a tad stronger.

I've acquired a taste for the deep reds and merlot's, but that took awhile.
Look at you trying to corrupt these fine people, Cootie!! Get behind me, Satan!! :lol:

I have been reading this book called "This Naked Mind", by Annie Grace. Turns out the cofc teetotalers are right......alcohol really is bad for you, just like they said. Dang it!!! Who knew? :lol: :lol: :lol:

I am absolutely floored by the comments about people not liking wine, and never drinking or very rarely. Interesting!! Most people I know at least enjoy a glass of wine. But hey.....good for you who never partake!! Annie Grace would be happy for you...she says that alcohol is nothing more than a toxic poison that robs one of one's health.

Re: Quick Hide the Beer!

Posted: Sat Jun 09, 2018 8:57 am
by Shrubbery
I think it was the total lack of any sweetness. I like grape juice. :)

I also don't drink coffee or carbonated beverages. Don't like the taste of any of those. I was an extremely picky child and remain very picky as an adult, but I've expanded my palate by easily 100%. For example, as a kid, I didn't like any beef at all - not even burgers. When I got pregnant with my oldest, I started to like Wendy's Jr. Bacon Cheeseburgers. :lol: That like never went away, and then I expanded to other burgers. My husband does a lot of BBQ'ing, and he's gotten me eating just about anything BBQ'd, as long as it uses a rub. I don't like BBQ sauce still. I can do soy based sauces like in Chinese food, but something about BBQ sauce and BBQ flavored items (like chips), I can tell it's in there first bite, and it's disgusting.

Re: Quick Hide the Beer!

Posted: Sat Jun 09, 2018 8:59 am
by FinallyFree
I thought alcohol in moderation was supposed to be good for your heart. Anyway, after my son’s descent into alcoholism, I have negative feelings about drinking at all. Many people have their lives destroyed by it.
Shrubbery, I agree about the lack of sweetness of wine. I don’t like coffee, either, unless it is something from Starbucks with Mocha or vanilla and lots of cream.

Re: Quick Hide the Beer!

Posted: Sat Jun 09, 2018 11:04 am
by agricola
I'll have half a glass of wine on special occasions, but I don't actually like most of it particularly well, and some I can't stand (I hate Merlot - it tastes like the bottom of a mouse cage to me). Mostly I never think to open a bottle unless we are having company.

Re: Quick Hide the Beer!

Posted: Sat Jun 09, 2018 4:56 pm
by Cootie Brown
agricola wrote:I'll have half a glass of wine on special occasions, but I don't actually like most of it particularly well, and some I can't stand (I hate Merlot - it tastes like the bottom of a mouse cage to me). Mostly I never think to open a bottle unless we are having company.
Do you dine on the bottom of mice cages a lot or just occasionally :?: :lol:

Re: Quick Hide the Beer!

Posted: Sat Jun 09, 2018 10:44 pm
by B.H.
Cootie Brown wrote:
agricola wrote:I'll have half a glass of wine on special occasions, but I don't actually like most of it particularly well, and some I can't stand (I hate Merlot - it tastes like the bottom of a mouse cage to me). Mostly I never think to open a bottle unless we are having company.
Do you dine on the bottom of mice cages a lot or just occasionally :?: :lol:

Yeah, agricola if you are in need pm me your address and I'll send you some gift cards to grocery stores in the area so we can expand your diet a little bit better. :lol:

Re: Quick Hide the Beer!

Posted: Sun Jun 10, 2018 4:50 pm
by Moogy
I don’t drink. I can’t stand the smell of beer. I am not attracted to the smell of other alcohol I have sniffed. Besides, my brother died of chronic alcoholism recently, so I have very bad associations with booze. To top that, I take several prescriptions which should not be mixed with alcohol. Once an teetotaler, always a teetotaler, that’s me. :lol:

Re: Quick Hide the Beer!

Posted: Sun Jun 10, 2018 5:30 pm
by B.H.
Islam forbids me drinking alcoholic beverages for recreational use.

Re: Quick Hide the Beer!

Posted: Sun Jun 10, 2018 11:11 pm
by Cootie Brown
B.H. wrote:Islam forbids me drinking alcoholic beverages for recreational use.
So, are you saying you drink alcohol but you don't drink it for recreational purposes? :o Hmmm?