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Re: Bible Versions/Translations

Posted: Mon Feb 23, 2015 12:42 am
by Hope
In the congregations I attended the KJV was always a sound choice but the NKJV and NASV were also considered to be acceptable. The NIV was considered to have been delivered to us by the devil himself. Through online reconnections with some old friends and an occasional visit on Sundays with family (it is just easier sometimes) I gather that the NIV is now acceptable for personal use but the NKJV and NASV are both now questionable. i have a New Testament version called the Simple English Bible that I sometimes carried that raised a few eyebrows. Interesting how versions go in and out of fashion.

Re: Bible Versions/Translations

Posted: Mon Feb 23, 2015 1:01 am
by Opie
I used to attend a conservative mainline CoC congregation. Most of the older members held on to their KJV bibles because, after all, KJV was the AUTHORIZED translation! Several of the younger members tended toward the NIV. One Sunday morning I was asked to read a few verses before the sermon, and did the reading from my NIV translation. As soon as I had finished with the reading, I noticed that a visitor got up and walked out. He cornered one of the "guys in the back" (I always wanted to be one of those guys!) and told him in no uncertain terms that he would never be coming back to our liberal church! An elder told me about the incident later, and insinuated that I should switch to the KJV so as to avoid "offending a weaker brother". I no longer attend that congregation, but to this day I still use the NIV, and also like reading the NRSV.

Re: Bible Versions/Translations

Posted: Mon Feb 23, 2015 8:36 am
by Lev
Hope wrote:i have a New Testament version called the Simple English Bible that I sometimes carried that raised a few eyebrows. Interesting how versions go in and out of fashion.
I had a Simple English Bible too. In my experience it was actually recommended by the COC, primarily because it translated the Greek word baptizo as "immerse." I don't have mine anymore but I'd be curious to know how they handle the baptizo-ing of a couch in Mark 7:4.

I never heard someone read from it publicly in church, but it was held up as a "good" translation for us to use in our own study. Actually, looking at the Wikipedia entry for the Simple English Bible now, I see that the team who translated it was made up primarily of COC representatives and professors from Harding and Freed-Hardeman. That explains a lot.


Re: Bible Versions/Translations

Posted: Mon Feb 23, 2015 11:25 am
by margin overa
The congregation I grew up in had the official position of using the KJV only, for many years. They've now relaxed that a bit, and use only the NKJV. They reject the use of any other translation from the lectern, for preaching or scripture reading, and for Sunday School classes, and also strongly discourage the use of the NIV in members' home readings and devotions. Mind you, this is a congregation that has never had a preacher with a college degree and only limited knowledge of Greek or Hebrew, and a set of elders, none of whom ever went to college themselves. People without any advanced knowledge of linguistics tend to have the strongest opinions when it comes to translations - as always, it comes down to supporting the "translation" that seems to best fit your interpretation of theology, and not the other way around.

Re: Bible Versions/Translations

Posted: Tue Feb 24, 2015 4:16 pm
by Texas Longhorn
The only scriptural versions are the King James and New American Standard Bibles. C'mon people! :roll: :roll:

Re: Bible Versions/Translations

Posted: Tue Feb 24, 2015 4:35 pm
by illuminator
Lately I've been into the ASV. I like its use of Jehovah.

Has anyone got an opinion of Hugo McCord's translation? I love how they warn against a one-man translation. When I read David Stern's Jewish New Testament, everyone got their panties bunched. (I liked it because Stern tried to get away from words like "church" and "baptize".) If someone inside the brotherhood does it, it's okay, but if one of our denominational brothers does it, it's sinful.

Re: Bible Versions/Translations

Posted: Tue Feb 24, 2015 7:44 pm
by KLP
ASV is my reference text...I have it pretty much memorized, or at least down to what side and column the passage I am seeking. Of course all that is gone in these new fangled electronic versions I use now...but I can still see the page formatting in my head. ASV had very few actual formats worked up, most printings use the same one.

Re: Bible Versions/Translations

Posted: Thu Feb 26, 2015 7:15 am
by illuminator
The KJV, while difficult to understand, is a majestic literary masterpiece. Your most devout atheist will attest to his beauty. Said being said, what about the so-called "Bible code" that can only be used with the KJV?

When you read something like this, it's pretty convincing:
About a month before the election I posted an article on how Obama would be reelected according to a "Hebrew Bible code" found in the book of Deuteronomy of the Bible which said "Obama" and "eight years" and "commanded USA".
Also I found a bible code before Obama's 1st 2008 election as president that said "Obama will be appointed" as president. I also told others that he would win the 1st election as well as the 2nd election!
Bible Code matrices in the King James Bible on President Barack Obama and whether President Obama will be reelected in 2012. A Bible code matrix shown here with "Obama" and "eight years" and "commanded USA" in it may predict a 2012 election victory for President Obama.
The King James version English Bible Code is the Bible Code in English in the King James version Bible. -- John Basford
Then again ...


Re: Bible Versions/Translations

Posted: Thu Feb 26, 2015 7:53 am
by Lev
illuminator wrote:what about the so-called "Bible code" that can only be used with the KJV?
Joking, right?


Re: Bible Versions/Translations

Posted: Thu Feb 26, 2015 8:25 am
by ena
The King James Version was done in 1611. It came from the Textus Receptus or received text. It has stood the test of time well but older and better Greek documents have been found since then. There are differences the originals in Greek. I like NASB because its margin notes discuss differences in the originals. Newer texts do often reflect the differences. My Grandfather used to joke: "Hmm!! King James Version. If it was good enough for Paul it's good enough for me." Outside of the COC I have encountered more seminarians who are knowledgeable about both Hebrew and Greek. You may run into some in the COC but rarely the preacher.