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Re: Refuting the Refutations

Posted: Wed Mar 11, 2015 3:50 pm
by KLP
Or maybe like plain Jewish religion stuff
Don't marry outside your tribe/nation/religion
Don't have any other Gods/idols/icons/leaders
There is only one spokesman/prophet of God
Any questioning, murmuring or grumbling will be punished harshly
Give your first and best to the God/org/leadership
Constant ritual events recalling great events of the past
Claiming to be a special people
Reinforcing a group identity based on past suffering and/or special future

IMO most any human org meets some number of aspects of the list, so there is no reason to just point out Christianity.

Re: Refuting the Refutations

Posted: Wed Mar 11, 2015 5:54 pm
by GuitarHero
Agreed, KLP. (Damn, I'm getting tired of saying that!) :)

But I think it's pretty obvious that the COC meets the vast majority of cult characteristics, if not all of them.