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Re: coc Online Worship Services

Posted: Mon May 04, 2015 10:23 pm
by Lev
Pitts S2C wrote:Benefits include; don’t have to dress up…
"But what if you were meeting the President? How would you dress then?" (© 1950, COC)


Re: coc Online Worship Services

Posted: Tue May 05, 2015 8:47 am
by GuitarHero
Lev wrote:
Pitts S2C wrote:Benefits include; don’t have to dress up…
"But what if you were meeting the President? How would you dress then?" (© 1950, COC)

I absolutely love it when I get that question, because I have met 2 presidents and 1 vice-prez, and all three times, I was wearing casual clothing.

Re: coc Online Worship Services

Posted: Tue May 05, 2015 4:29 pm
by Lev
GuitarHero wrote:
Lev wrote:
Pitts S2C wrote:Benefits include; don’t have to dress up…
"But what if you were meeting the President? How would you dress then?" (© 1950, COC)

I absolutely love it when I get that question, because I have met 2 presidents and 1 vice-prez, and all three times, I was wearing casual clothing.
I wish I had your answer. I've met one president and one prime minister and both times I put on a tie specifically for the occasion. Sigh.


Re: coc Online Worship Services

Posted: Tue May 05, 2015 9:00 pm
by agricola
I've met one past president (Carter), one future president (Obama) and a few aspiring presidential candidates (notably, Romney) and I've been dressed up nice once (Carter), wore casual normal clothes mostly (everyone else) and AFAIK it doesn't really register one way or the other. Maybe at a formal dinner things would be different.

Re: coc Online Worship Services

Posted: Wed May 06, 2015 12:33 am
by GuitarHero
They've forgotten you even exist a minute after you meet them and walk away. So who cares?

Re: coc Online Worship Services

Posted: Wed May 06, 2015 10:38 am
by Struggler
I've met two Presidents, three VPs, three prime ministers and have attended the appearances of two other Presidents, two other VPs and another PM. I was wearing a suit each time because, with one exception, all were for work.
One's choice of clothing is just that--one's choice.

Re: coc Online Worship Services

Posted: Thu May 07, 2015 7:27 pm
by B.H.
I wore a suite and tie when I had to go downtown to talk to the mayor of Corsicana once.

Re: coc Online Worship Services

Posted: Fri May 08, 2015 11:38 am
by katisha

That's right. I think all cofcs should require themselves to have porta-potties outside the building - eliminating indoor bathrooms and plumbing. That way, they can neither drink water nor poop inside the building. They way they can avoid all appearance of evil. They WOULD have to bring their own hand gel if they want to wash up after the porta pottie trip. Then we have to talk about the scripturality of hand gel.[/quote]

But, Ivy, what about those fancy baptism pools behind the curtain? if there was no plumbing, they would be forced to shut those down and do their baptizing, shudder, DOWN BY THE RIVER! :shock:

Re: coc Online Worship Services

Posted: Fri May 08, 2015 7:25 pm
by AtPeace
Can't have a water fountain...can't be in a separate nursery...

The rationale is the exact same rationale used by Muslim terrorists...enforcement method is the only difference.

All such rigid and legalistic interpretation disgusts and scares me.

Re: coc Online Worship Services

Posted: Fri May 08, 2015 10:55 pm
by Ivy
katisha wrote:But, Ivy, what about those fancy baptism pools behind the curtain? if there was no plumbing, they would be forced to shut those down and do their baptizing, shudder, DOWN BY THE RIVER! :shock: indoor baptistry is an expedient because of the risk of someone dying on the way to the
body of water in another location. An indoor commode, however, is merely an innovation. In Jesus' time
they had crude porta potty-type areas where one could relieve oneself. A porta potty is more scriptural and
true to the first century church paradigm.