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Re: Things that used to be COC sins but aren't anymore

Posted: Mon Feb 09, 2015 11:02 am
by Struggler
I have heard that "one thing" on many occasions. The version that stands out to me goes like this:

"If we've done even ONE thing wrong in this service that is not in accordance with Thy will, we pray that there is at least one person who will speak up and let us know so that we may repent."


Re: Things that used to be COC sins but aren't anymore

Posted: Mon Feb 09, 2015 11:12 am
by Ivy
Struggler wrote:I have heard that "one thing" on many occasions. The version that stands out to me goes like this:

"If we've done even ONE thing wrong in this service that is not in accordance with Thy will, we pray that there is at least one person who will speak up and let us know so that we may repent."

Lol Struggler......don't remember hearing that but guessing I probably did. Wouldn't it be cool if someone had the cohones to actually speak up and tell them? I'm guessing said person would be ushered out the door post haste. :lol:

Re: Things that used to be COC sins but aren't anymore

Posted: Mon Feb 09, 2015 3:45 pm
by Lev
Ivy wrote:Lol Struggler......don't remember hearing that but guessing I probably did. Wouldn't it be cool if someone had the cohones to actually speak up and tell them? I'm guessing said person would be ushered out the door post haste. :lol:
Speaking of, has anyone here actually seen someone get "ushered out" of a COC service? I have. One was a woman--a visitor--who was a bit too animated with her hand-raising and amen-saying. She got deaconed during the song service. Another was a homeless guy. He didn't even get a chance to cause a disruption--just walked into the "foyer" as services were about to start and was deaconed right out. I can't remember what the sermon was that day but I hope it was on the first part of James 2.


Re: Things that used to be COC sins but aren't anymore

Posted: Mon Feb 09, 2015 4:09 pm
by illuminator
A visitor sharply disagreed with the preacher and the preacher got all angry and agitated and had to leave. The visitor was then escorted out.

Another time a crazy visitor ran up the aisle toward the pulpit and was tackled and hauled out.

Re: Things that used to be COC sins but aren't anymore

Posted: Mon Feb 09, 2015 4:31 pm
by KLP
I took it on myself to ask a "visitor" to leave. Probably homeless but he showed no interest in visiting, just wanted to use the restroom to wash off his mud. This guy would show up during assembly when no one was in the lobby, and then leave the bathroom heavily covered in crap, mud. and/or dirt. And then leave. This congregation was mainly very elderly and I was one of the few "younger" people. After about the 3rd time I set towards the back and saw the guy come in and make a beeline for the restroom. I just went and asked him to leave. He explained he wasn't doing anything wrong and he wanted to come to church...uh huh, right. You picked an NI place to visit and then returned (that showed he was not rational or on drugs)

I just kept firmly informing him he was in fact leaving right now. IDK, this sort of thing is more typical of big city where people just take as much as they can. Ya know if they guy just wouldn't have continued to make such a big mess and just $hit over everything then it probably would have been no problem but he left the place disgusting. And there is no sense in putting up with that crap. So he had to go and he never came back. I guess he could have been an Angel but I doubt it.

Re: Things that used to be COC sins but aren't anymore

Posted: Mon Feb 09, 2015 5:50 pm
by illuminator
klp wrote:So he had to go and he never came back. I guess he could have been an Angel but I doubt it.
Play-doughed by an Angel.

This fall on Fox!

Re: Things that used to be COC sins but aren't anymore

Posted: Tue Feb 10, 2015 8:39 am
by Lev
illuminator wrote:A visitor sharply disagreed with the preacher and the preacher got all angry and agitated and had to leave. The visitor was then escorted out.
I would think that in a situation like this there would be some rule that says if the visitor makes the preacher leave, the visitor gets to preach the rest of the sermon.


Re: Things that used to be COC sins but aren't anymore

Posted: Tue Feb 10, 2015 10:05 am
by Struggler
I was at a church where a homeless guy was resting by the church sign, which was yards away from the front door. I watched as a man walked out there and told the man to leave. That bothers me now, first because I didn't speak up, and secondly, because the homeless guy was not asked if he needed any assistance, etc. He wasn't bothering anyone.

Re: Things that used to be COC sins but aren't anymore

Posted: Tue Feb 10, 2015 3:35 pm
by MusicMan826
I'm not surprised that they treated the homeless man that way. Honestly the CoC's attitude towards the homeless and less fortunate has always been absolutely terrible. I remember many preachers bashing denominations for helping the needy with "The Lord's money", and remember them even talking bad about people who used their own personal money to help out charities, less fortunate, homeless, etc. They'd complain that, "That money would be better spent doing the Lord's work!" Meanwhile in the CoC all this money just sits in an account until some elder decides to buy a new fancy projector for the power points (despite not having authority for such a thing in the New Testament) or a big screen tv so everyone on the sides could see the power point (I must have missed the authorization for that also) or nice new fancy paddings for the pew or new carpeting. As a kid I always thought it was bizarre how they preached so much against helping others. Then I grew up and realized that they only really care about you if you're a memeber of "the church".

Re: Things that used to be COC sins but aren't anymore

Posted: Tue Feb 10, 2015 8:58 pm
by GMan
Struggler wrote:I was at a church where a homeless guy was resting by the church sign, which was yards away from the front door. I watched as a man walked out there and told the man to leave. That bothers me now, first because I didn't speak up, and secondly, because the homeless guy was not asked if he needed any assistance, etc. He wasn't bothering anyone.
That is truly sad, and in my opinion, very UNCHRISTIAN.

What would Jesus do?