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woman preacher in a coc

Posted: Tue Dec 02, 2014 11:46 pm
by jeremiah

Re: woman preacher in a coc

Posted: Wed Dec 03, 2014 1:21 am
by ena
Interesting. I know women that are more qualified than many preachers that I have heard. I have listened to many pastors more qualified. I am not sure Paul's assessment of females was for general application in our culture. It is not like you can ask. Female positive documents like Paul and Thecla were suppressed in the selection of documents for the canon. The work might be a forgery. This is not uncommon on the Christian landscape. Thecla is sainted. Paul also had a positive outlook on the work of Priscilla. She was even teaching an adult male. Philip had four virgin daughters that prophesied that even would not be allowed to speak in the CoC.

Acts 21:8-9 (KJV) 8 And the next day we that were of Paul's company departed, and came unto Caesarea: and we entered into the house of Philip the evangelist, which was one of the seven; and abode with him. 9 And the same man had four daughters, virgins, which did prophesy
Acts 21:8-9 (KJV)

There seems to be a strong attachment to virgins in the early church. There is a Coptic fragment that indicates Jesus was married. Most of the work is missing. The link is:

Re: woman preacher in a coc

Posted: Wed Dec 03, 2014 1:38 am
by bnot
I'm waiting to see a dis fellowship letter from surrounding congregations (I googled it , didn't find one). That's a bold move by that coc, since the standing rule is to shut the women up. I said this before, I know of an elder at a coc who passed a woman a note (1cor 14:34) about being silent in church. She was saying amen during the sermon :roll:

Re: woman preacher in a coc

Posted: Wed Dec 03, 2014 1:55 pm
by jeremiah
Patrick Mead just posted the following on Facebook:

I shouldn't say this...but I will. Wineskins posted a video on YouTube about my preaching intern (a female) and I at Fourth Avenue Church of Christ. Most who are reposting it on Facebook are very kind and supportive but the comments on YouTube itself are a stark, sad, and heartbreaking reminder of what legalism, traditionalism, and a loveless faith will do to a person. Don't read them. I did and it drove me to my knees in grief for those who posted them. Disagree with us if you wish, but love is not an option and neither is kindness. Many churches like ours change their name. We have chosen, instead, to redeem it so that when someone hears "Church of Christ" they think "That's the people who look like Jesus and love everybody."

God bless Patrick Mead!!! I see the comments have now been disabled for the video. No doubt what the reason for that is, and no doubt what the legalists response to that will be.

Re: woman preacher in a coc

Posted: Wed Dec 03, 2014 3:32 pm
by bnot
jeremiah wrote:Patrick Mead just posted the following on Facebook:

I shouldn't say this...but I will. Wineskins posted a video on YouTube about my preaching intern (a female) and I at Fourth Avenue Church of Christ. Most who are reposting it on Facebook are very kind and supportive but the comments on YouTube itself are a stark, sad, and heartbreaking reminder of what legalism, traditionalism, and a loveless faith will do to a person. Don't read them. I did and it drove me to my knees in grief for those who posted them. Disagree with us if you wish, but love is not an option and neither is kindness. Many churches like ours change their name. We have chosen, instead, to redeem it so that when someone hears "Church of Christ" they think "That's the people who look like Jesus and love everybody."

God bless Patrick Mead!!! I see the comments have now been disabled for the video. No doubt what the reason for that is, and no doubt what the legalists response to that will be.
When I watched it yesterday, I looked for the comments first but there were no comments, likes or dislikes. I was interested in seeing some of the carnage in the comment section. It blows my mind how un-loving and down right vicious coc'ers can be. What's funny is coc'ers will shut down comments on their blogs in a heartbeat when challenged, but still criticize someone else for doing the same thing.

Re: woman preacher in a coc

Posted: Wed Dec 03, 2014 3:53 pm
by Lev
Comments appear to have been disabled.


Re: woman preacher in a coc

Posted: Wed Dec 03, 2014 4:36 pm
by jeremiah
Patrick said this about the comments being disabled:

I suggested to Wineskins that they do so. I was concerned for the reputation of Jesus, Christians, and the Church of Christ as well as concerned that young women would read them and decide there was no place for them here.

Re: woman preacher in a coc

Posted: Wed Dec 03, 2014 7:04 pm
by KLP
That style of "preaching" is just not my cup of tea, whether that speaker was male or female. Actually I don't really want any preaching, but if it is wisdom or guidance then the person male/female needs to have many more years of experience. But hey the Lord is making it very clear to her that she needs to be a preacher (who can argue with that ??? lol)...and hey, her dad just happens to be a preacher too. PK's drive me up the wall, particularly the upbeat goodie gung-ho types.

Adding women speakers or instruments is not going to make "going to church" and "the assembly 5 acts of worship" better. For me the problem is the concept of "church" not the gender of the speaker. I don't want just a more diverse clergy...I want no clergy and more communion/community. The Lord is telling me there shouldn't be career praychars on the dole, in fact the Lord is making it clear to me to not give you guys my money and for you to go get a day gig and support yourself. LOL I mean if we are going to use the ol "the Lord told me" line of argument.

But hey, good for her.

That comment from the preacher guy saying he doesn't read Jesus through Paul was clever and all, but it is just a clever saying. And then he makes a comment that he really thinks the churches of Christ are really getting that now. :roll: As if there are not 10 branches/types of Church of Christ. That stuff drives me up the wall where within each branch they act as if they are "the church". Whatev's Preach it sister!!!

Re: woman preacher in a coc

Posted: Thu Dec 04, 2014 11:02 am
by Struggler
I thought she did OK speaking. The clips they showed seemed relevant, which is what it's all about. If she's going to be taken seriously, she should stop saying "cool" every two minutes as she did in the interview. The minister who introduced her came across to me as the host of a children's show.

Re: woman preacher in a coc

Posted: Thu Dec 04, 2014 8:55 pm
by margin overa
I'm glad to see the cracks slowly begin to spiderweb out in the CofC wall, but I actually am in agreement with KLP. I'm not interested in the preacher/leader paradigm at all anymore, for a number of reasons. I do grieve that anyone would be on the receiving end of the typical "brotherhood" venom and foolishness, and wish her well, though. As one of the first public, CofC-college-trained female preachers to come down the pike, it did take some courage to do what she has done.