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The discontinuation of Sunday evenings

Posted: Wed Feb 15, 2017 12:51 pm
by OneStrike_ur_out
During my second stint in the cOC, the congregation that I was a part of actually discontinued Sunday evening services. I was actually pleasantly surprised by it. It ended up prolonging my time there. I have to admit, it was nice finishing up shortly after 11:00 AM and not having to worry about being back just a few hours later for an evening service. The remainder of the day was mine. If I went somewhere, I didn't have to constantly check the time to make sure that I left in time to get back to the building. I recall the business meeting where it was determined that the Sunday evening services would end. The reasons given actually surprised me. They said that a lot of congregations were doing that. And they said that it was mainly because of life today being so hectic, and there just simply was not enough time to get essential things done, and that families needed to spend quality time together, outside of church. That last one REALLY shocked me! I mean, that is true, I was just surprised to hear it be said by hardline cOC members. So, are Sunday evening services, by and large, being phased out? If so, it is certainly a wise move. My mother, (who still is in the cOC) disagreed with it. She didn't go to the same church that I did, but she said that it wasn't a good decision when I told her about it. She said "Uhhh...I don't think I would be discontinuing anything in regards to worship of The Lord. Especially something that is scripturally commanded". Well, of course Sunday evening services are not scripturally commanded. She has just had that ingrained in her from childhood.

Re: The discontinuation of Sunday evenings

Posted: Wed Feb 15, 2017 1:00 pm
by Ivy
Especially something that is scripturally commanded

Excellent example of how traditions become "scriptural" over time in the cofc. We've always done it that way,
so it must be commanded in the bible somewhere.

Re: The discontinuation of Sunday evenings

Posted: Thu Feb 16, 2017 11:30 am
by gordie91
Ivy wrote:
Especially something that is scripturally commanded

Excellent example of how traditions become "scriptural" over time in the cofc. We've always done it that way,
so it must be commanded in the bible somewhere.
So very true and those traditions that turn to commands would comprise a long list. When we first started going to an Orthodox Church, still there, we were told that the Divine Liturgy was pretty involved and that there is no need to do it twice in the same day, the idea being that the Church everywhere is doing the same thing and to double up on Sunday would mean that some were and some were not worshiping together. I kind of like like my new tradition :D

Re: The discontinuation of Sunday evenings

Posted: Thu Feb 16, 2017 11:36 am
by agricola
Ivy wrote:
Especially something that is scripturally commanded

Excellent example of how traditions become "scriptural" over time in the cofc. We've always done it that way,
so it must be commanded in the bible somewhere.
I have an old friend who is pretty sure that Santa is in the Bible - somewhere.

Re: The discontinuation of Sunday evenings

Posted: Thu Feb 16, 2017 2:35 pm
by B.H.
agricola wrote:
Ivy wrote:
Especially something that is scripturally commanded

Excellent example of how traditions become "scriptural" over time in the cofc. We've always done it that way,
so it must be commanded in the bible somewhere.
I have an old friend who is pretty sure that Santa is in the Bible - somewhere.
Sure Santa is. In the Spanish version of the Bible you will see "Santa" on the front cover! :lol:

HO, Ho, ho!

Re: The discontinuation of Sunday evenings

Posted: Thu Feb 16, 2017 2:52 pm
by KLP
good one BH. And there is santafication are santafied

Re: The discontinuation of Sunday evenings

Posted: Thu Feb 16, 2017 8:01 pm
by delilah
I've been told that Sunday night services weren't commonplace in the CofC until WW2. Apparently lots of people worked in defense industries on Sunday during the day so they started having night services to accommodate them. Then somehow it became a de factor requirement. Not sure if this is true but it sounds logical.

Some relatively mainstream CofC's have started doing "house churches" or home Bible study groups on Sunday night. Seems suspiciously denominational to me. :)

Re: The discontinuation of Sunday evenings

Posted: Sat Feb 18, 2017 2:38 pm
by Struggler
A lot of churches are at last accepting reality. Most dedicated Christians I know attend once on Sunday and then live their lives. The C of C has put most of its emphasis on showing up for services instead of living lives of service.

The church I attended began small groups and having a devotional after meals so they don't always have an evening service. I remember one time when it was mentioned in class that one of the young women was coming back from an overseas trip. It was a Sunday where there'd be no evening service. One of the older ladies kept saying we needed to "have men present just in case she gets back in time tonight and wants the Lord's Supper." That idea was nixed, as it should have been. Nobody wanted to volunteer to sit at the church building just in case someone showed up.

Re: The discontinuation of Sunday evenings

Posted: Sat Feb 18, 2017 5:44 pm
by Cootie Brown
No Sunday night service & many congregations have dropped Wednesday night too! What's next, allowing instrumental music in the service?! Ah yeah, that's happening too. Is nothing sacred anymore? Is the c of c destined to merge with the Baptist in order to survive?

Re: The discontinuation of Sunday evenings

Posted: Sat Feb 18, 2017 9:38 pm
by FinallyFree
I hated Sunday nights and Wednesday nights and so did my kids. And we burned them out permanently on church attendance--what a waste and a disaster.