The "In Order to Receive" World View of the CofC
Posted: Tue May 01, 2018 2:57 pm
IMO, the CofC predicates its view of God on an "in order to receive" concept. There are two conceivable world views of the gospel, one being the "in order to receive" concept of the CofC. The other world view of the gospel is the "because of" concept. Both concepts translate into behavior. I'd like to distinguish the two below:
1) "In order to receive": This concept pervades, fuels, and motivates CofC behavior by seeing the gospel as a tit for a tat proposition, that is, if one does something, God will reward or compensate him or her for what he or she has therefore earned for him or herself or punish him or her for what he or she hasn't "earned" so well. Especially important here is the reward one gains from engaging oneself in a water baptism (i.e., the coup de grace of salvation). But it also speaks to just about all other behaviors wrought in the CofC dogma. It relates more to a carrot and stick approach with the ultimate stick (always present in the background) being hell and the ultimate carrot being heaven. In short it represents bondage. It is a product of legalism.
2) "Because of": This concept relates to behavior which occurs as a result of a changed heart (new birth, new life, etc.), that is, it is behavior which one does because he or she is now empowered to do so and wants to do so (a result of the saving and regenerational power of the gospel). It eliminates the "earning anxiety" present in the "in order to receive" concept because it is based on a recognition that someone else has already done the "earning" on one's behalf. In short, it represents a freeing, a freedom of life, a freeing of guilt. The NT describes it also as entering God's rest and also as having received eternal life now, both made possible only by a gracious move of God alone.
1) "In order to receive": This concept pervades, fuels, and motivates CofC behavior by seeing the gospel as a tit for a tat proposition, that is, if one does something, God will reward or compensate him or her for what he or she has therefore earned for him or herself or punish him or her for what he or she hasn't "earned" so well. Especially important here is the reward one gains from engaging oneself in a water baptism (i.e., the coup de grace of salvation). But it also speaks to just about all other behaviors wrought in the CofC dogma. It relates more to a carrot and stick approach with the ultimate stick (always present in the background) being hell and the ultimate carrot being heaven. In short it represents bondage. It is a product of legalism.
2) "Because of": This concept relates to behavior which occurs as a result of a changed heart (new birth, new life, etc.), that is, it is behavior which one does because he or she is now empowered to do so and wants to do so (a result of the saving and regenerational power of the gospel). It eliminates the "earning anxiety" present in the "in order to receive" concept because it is based on a recognition that someone else has already done the "earning" on one's behalf. In short, it represents a freeing, a freedom of life, a freeing of guilt. The NT describes it also as entering God's rest and also as having received eternal life now, both made possible only by a gracious move of God alone.