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The cOC loathed "attend the church of your choice"

Posted: Fri Jan 10, 2020 1:16 pm
by OneStrike_ur_out
Remember that saying? :lol: I used to love to stir the pot by (not so) subtly mentioning it :lol: Ohh..that would send them into a Fred Phelps type diatribe :lol: They would say "God doesn't tell you to attend the church of your choice! The devil does!". Then of course came the obligatory Romans 16:16 reference. Yet another verse that the cOC has twisted to fit their agenda. One individual had a relative who would say that all roads lead to God and then they would get really upset and reply "where are you getting that from?". I would chuckle at how spun up they would get at the very mentioning of attend the church of your choice, LOL.

Re: The cOC loathed "attend the church of your choice"

Posted: Fri Jan 10, 2020 2:12 pm
by FinallyFree
Yes, I remember that! When I was a little girl, there was some kind of commercial that said that, and my mother told me that was wrong.

Re: The cOC loathed "attend the church of your choice"

Posted: Fri Jan 10, 2020 2:37 pm
by Cootie Brown
I remember one of our teenage girls went on a mission trip to another country. She was the only one from the congregation that went on that trip. It was customary for missionaries to give a report to the sponsoring congregation.

When she returned the preacher and elders had a meeting to determine if scripture authorized a female to give such a report in the presence of men. After much discussion it was determined that she wasn’t technically “teaching”. She was simply giving a report about the mission trip.

An Elder made the announcement to the congregation and asked if there were any objections. The were no objections, so she was allowed to give her report in front of the congregation with the Elders standing beside her.

The roof of the building didn’t fall in on top of the congregation, so it was “generally” believed that neither the preacher, elders, or the young lady had sinned. :roll:

Re: The cOC loathed "attend the church of your choice"

Posted: Fri Jan 10, 2020 2:41 pm
by FinallyFree
The last CofC we attended did allow women who went on mission trips to give a report about it. That was nice. It was a good CofC.

Re: The cOC loathed "attend the church of your choice"

Posted: Fri Jan 10, 2020 2:46 pm
by Ivy
Oh my....that zapped a sleeping brain cell, OneStrike!! Oh, yes, they did abhor that saying. I remember in our small town newspaper there would be an ad with that phrase, and a listing of all the churches in town that one could choose. That caused many a cofc eye roll. :lol:

Re: The cOC loathed "attend the church of your choice"

Posted: Tue Aug 25, 2020 12:18 am
by ena
Ivy wrote:Oh my....that zapped a sleeping brain cell, OneStrike!! Oh, yes, they did abhor that saying. I remember in our small town newspaper there would be an ad with that phrase, and a listing of all the churches in town that one could choose. That caused many a cofc eye roll. :lol:
My wife knew a Baptist Minister that listed his church under Fire Insurance.

Re: The cOC loathed "attend the church of your choice"

Posted: Sat Sep 19, 2020 12:20 pm
by faithandmore
They must hate living in America then, since we have freedom of religion.

Re: The cOC loathed "attend the church of your choice"

Posted: Wed Sep 23, 2020 1:34 am
by ena
faithandmore wrote:They must hate living in America then, since we have freedom of religion.
If you can dominate someone you can control them to a degree. This technique is used by Churches and Governments. Don't think for a second that it has not been used on Americans many times. WWI started with a lie. The Lusitania was carrying gun cotton for naval guns. The German torpedo that hit her would not have sunk her. She sank from secondary explosions. The Germans were accused of murder. Most wars contain lies and human rights violations. It is more common than not.

Re: The cOC loathed "attend the church of your choice"

Posted: Wed Sep 23, 2020 1:54 pm
by B.H.
I had a church of christ preacher and another nod in agreement that freedom of religion was umbiblical If a coc person ever came to power and could do so he should shut down other denominations and punish those not coc.

Re: The cOC loathed "attend the church of your choice"

Posted: Wed Sep 23, 2020 2:03 pm
by Ivy
B.H. wrote: umbilical
Hehehe :lol: :lol: :lol:

I guess spellcheck never heard some of the cofc - created terms.

But yeah, now that you mention it, there are things about the cofc that are kind of umbilical. You have to cut the "umbilical cord" with your cofc mama if you are ever going to be able to attend the "church of your choice". :lol: :lol: :lol: