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Drinking alcohol while attending Christian Colleges

Posted: Mon Aug 19, 2024 8:32 pm
by longdistancerunner
Although I know it is against the rules and it is cause for exclusion many of the people I know who attended CoC colleges managed to sneak away to nearby towns and went to clubs and drank. For those of you who attended these how prevalent was this practice and any other stories about violating the strict rules at these places would be interesting. I know many people went to these right after high school and probably couldn't get In clubs.

Re: Drinking alcohol while attending Christian Colleges

Posted: Tue Aug 20, 2024 8:40 pm
by Shane R
I've always found this issue both amusing and highly hypocritical. I always think of my grandfather, who refused to even eat at restaurants with alcohol on the menu and yet every time he had a little cough or sore throat he'd knock back a double shot of alcohol filled cough syrup. He hadn't drank beer or liquor in years but he was always swigging that cough syrup.

He also attempted to hide his cigarette smoking from his congregation for over 30 years. He'd smoke his cigarette on the way to church, finish up a couple of miles before the parking lot, and then douse himself with Old Spice to mask the smell and pop a peppermint to cover his breath.