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Alexander Campbell

Posted: Sun Sep 15, 2024 3:15 pm
by B.H.
Someone here asked about a good biography of him. I remember one written in the 1890s about 25 to 30 years after he died that was pretty good. It's probably accurate because so many who knew him was still alive to contest anything wrong. I'm going to use my knoggin and try to remember the authors name.

Re: Alexander Campbell

Posted: Mon Sep 16, 2024 2:58 pm
by B.H.
Hi all. To whoever asked about a biography of Alexander Campbell I remembered the book I had in mind.

It is "Alexander Campbell The Leader of the Great Nineteenth Century Reformation" by Thomas Grafton. You can read it for free on has several other works by Alexander Campbell or about him or jointly authored by him. The book above is about 250 pages long. There are other biographies of him in the 500 page range, his personal reminisces are there and also a book about him by his wife. Copies of the Christian Baptist and Millennial Harbinger are there as are his debates with the Catholic theologian Purcell and the Socialist Robert Owen.