It's me, It's me, It's me, Oh Lord....

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Re: It's me, It's me, It's me, Oh Lord....

Post by ena »

Teresa, Parkinson's is a difficult one. The best response is by Dr. Joel Wallach. Google Youtube Wallach Parkinson's. He does the best on nutrients. He wants the patient to consume large quantities of eggs either soft scrambled or poached with runny yolks. He wants the cholesterol to be intact because the brain is 70% cholesterol. How many depends on the weight of the person. The problem with Parkinson's is cells that produce dopamine in the substantia nigeria at the base of the brain. This means black substance. The cells that produce dopamine are there. It literally disappears in patients with Parkinson's. It takes a microscope to see the cells. Wallach spearheads Youngevity Nutrients. It will be pricey. Call them and they will probably know what to get for Parkinson's. The are several nutrient paks. Each pak is for 100 lbs of weight. These are mixes of what your body needs. He is a vet and ND.
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Re: It's me, It's me, It's me, Oh Lord....

Post by ena »

I have a friend that has Parkinson's. She is going the medical route. She has a tube into her duodenum and that's where she gets drug delivery. This below the stomach and the first part of the small intestine. Looking at Michael Fox, he does not have the shaking but does have problems with larger body movements. Most medical treatment involves the delivery of a form of dopamine. This helps the shakes but not the disease progression. The cells that make dopamine cease to function in Parkinson's. John Bergman thinks that Chiropractic adjustments to the neck help. I generally do not have much hope on this one.
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Re: It's me, It's me, It's me, Oh Lord....

Post by Moogy »

This is not a “natural” remedy, but it is an option. Neurosurgeons can implant a brain stimulator that is effective against Parkinsons tremors. (I admit to some bias since my son is a neurosurgeon and performed these surgeries during residency, although these are not his current specialty.)
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Re: It's me, It's me, It's me, Oh Lord....

Post by ena »

Moogy wrote:This is not a “natural” remedy, but it is an option. Neurosurgeons can implant a brain stimulator that is effective against Parkinsons tremors. (I admit to some bias since my son is a neurosurgeon and performed these surgeries during residency, although these are not his current specialty.)
You might be talking about deep brain stimulation. Electrodes are planted in the brain. The patient has a controller that controls whether the electricity flows. Your can stimulate neurons that way. There is much being done with muscle and brain interfaces. Some can make artificial limbs move. Generally Parkinson's is a problem with dopamine. The cells that produce dopamine in the substancia Negra fail to produce it. This a black area near the spinal column in even whites. Most interventions deliver dopamine in some form to quell the shakes. This is not a cure. My mother in law had Parkinson's. The medications helped the shakes until she died. Dr. Bergman DC thinks that he has helped patient's by adjusting the neck. The thinking is that blood flow is cut down or there are pinched nerves. He is better than most in knowledge of details about the human body. He said that he used to teach human dissection. This has been done in the medical business for centuries. Sometime ago you had to protect a newly dead relative from grave diggers. You can see this on some horror shows but it really happened. My friend with Parkinson's is getting around fine with a plastic tube in her intestine just under the stomach. The problem is that the stomach is very acid and the intestine not as much. Some medications can not take the acid. She is in her seventies and is worried about taking care of it as she gets older. I do not know what medication she is on. I am not hopeful on this one. Sometimes healing can be found in the Nutritional world. The medical world does not know much about nutrition. I am aware of various type of MD. Some do and they can bring alot to the party. I listen to MD's and ND's. An ND is a doctor of nutrition. There five schools that give the degree. Some things in the world of nutrition will sound crazy but aren't. Dr Richard Becker DO is a Texas Osteopath. He is very good. He has a program called Your Health nationwide. He does advertise his nutrients during his show. I record him everyday. The advantage is that you can fast forward though the ads. Watch his tie color because it changes during the canned ads. He got interested i nutrition when he got Chemo for cancer. It badly depleted his body of vital nutrients. I believe that he is retired from practice but has a practice of people all over the country. He sometimes catches a doctor at mal-practice. He never uses that word but says things like ask your doctor to check this or that or in severe cases find another doctor. The medical world is much bigger than MD's. Yes, doctors do know a lot. God is a better chemist than your might believe.
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Re: It's me, It's me, It's me, Oh Lord....

Post by ena »

Moogy wrote:This is not a “natural” remedy, but it is an option. Neurosurgeons can implant a brain stimulator that is effective against Parkinsons tremors. (I admit to some bias since my son is a neurosurgeon and performed these surgeries during residency, although these are not his current specialty.)
I have seen a video of a deep brain stimulator at work. The woman that had Parkinson's could not do needle point when it was off but could when she turned it on. It made life with Parkinson's easier.
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Re: It's me, It's me, It's me, Oh Lord....

Post by teresa »

Thanks, ENA. I think she is going to start taking drugs for the shaking.
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Re: It's me, It's me, It's me, Oh Lord....

Post by ena »

teresa wrote:Thanks, ENA. I think she is going to start taking drugs for the shaking.
There some hearing tonal things on the youtube for Parkinson's. Most medications relieve the shakes but do not stop disease progression. No nutrients have been found to help. Dr Joel Wallach DVM, ND is best in that area.
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