GuitarHero wrote:My contention, ena, is that if God made us with free will, then he doesn't have a leg to stand on to punish us when we use that which he gave us innately.
It's just one of the many things about Christianity that no longer makes sense to me.
The incongruence of most mainstream doctrine of most "churches" regarding so-called "free will" is pointed out by Guitar Hero and Never Again. I agree with their observation.
One cannot teach that God is a loving kind Creator and at the same time a capricious torturer. Such a weird statement is not "faith" because it is self-contradicting.
Moreover I personally (and I am assuming that some rational and loving mainstream Christians would secretly concede this too) have a modicum of faith that God is loving and He clearly has designed our circumstance of birth and those of us born "privileged"(raised in the "church",stable family,mother not a crack whore) in the present age ARE expected to love more,accomplish more,forgive more. And those to whom less is given,they may have a longer and harder road before they joyfully stand in the presence of God.
So how can I feature God as fair and loving without being a self-contradicting doctrinal knucklehead? My own take is that the ONLY way that there can be pain and a Loving Creator is that in some kind of God way the very most horrible behavior and event will,in this age or an age to come,be turned around so that there will be more joy and happiness than would have been possible had the horrible event not happened. And yes I believe that every knee will joyfully bow. And God will not keep some ghetto called "Hell" (a pagan word and a pagan political concept).
Once again,painfully long entry. But next entry I would like to explain why I have difficulty being an "atheist" BECAUSE a 14 ounce birth weight premature crack baby spends it's entire 6 month life in a warming crib with multiple blood sticks,endotracheal tube,loud noise,multiple gut,eye and brain procedures then dies. It cannot be a random series of events in a random universe. The ONLY possible explanation for any rational Christian is that the baby will, in an age to come, be inconceivably more joyful than she would have been had the sad events not happened. And yes I am an emergency room trauma specialist and I have known and seen tragedies for decades. And shed bitter tears