Female COC preacher

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Cootie Brown
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Re: Female COC preacher

Post by Cootie Brown »

Ivy wrote:
If they are truly that smart, and highly educated, many would assume they could figure out that all these religious doctrines, teachings, and traditions have human origins.
This from the guy who believes in UFOs, and claims to have actually seen one. :lol: It's ok, Cootie; I'm open to them as well, but I am also open to their being higher power(s). I've also seen things that are quite remarkable and surreal. I believe you and your wife may have seen something that was from another dimension or maybe even there by time travel.

But back to your statement I quoted above...yes, the people I mentioned were and are bright, and highly educated, with advanced degrees, and yes, they knew about cultural anthropology and the evolution of religious beliefs and faith. As far as I know, one or more of them is still in the cofc mix; probably more. People stay in religions for many different reasons, and just because many traditions have been passed down through human beings does not mean there is no truth to them, or even an "ultimate truth". That's where I think you are misguided when you use that as "proof" of their being no god, gods or higher beings.
There is plenty of evidence that UFO’s (Unidentified Flying Objects) exist. They have been tracked on radar, observed by millions of people, photographed, & videoed. There is even circumstantial evidence they may be extraterrestrial. But there is no incontrovertible evidence that they are extraterrestrial. That means their origins are unknown at this point in time.

In other words, they are not invisible, imaginary objects, or life forms that appear, do to lack of any physical evidence, to only exists in the minds of those that “believe” they exist. I am unaware of any actual or circumstantial evidence of a supernatural realm or supernatural beings be they Deities, Demons, Devils, Ghost, or Angels.

Until some actual evidence is found I have no choice but to accept that supernatural realms and supernatural life forms only exists in the minds and imaginations of those that believe they exists.

As far as I can tell deep indoctrination and brainwashing is the reason highly educated and intelligent people believe in a supernatural realm, deities, ghost, angels, and demons. That is why “faith” is required because there is no evidence to support such beliefs.

I will return to being a believer when actual evidence replaces faith as the foundation for “belief”.


I was going to delete my response, after giving more thought to it, but I’ve decided to just edit it instead. I’ve been accused of attempting to de-convert others. I’m not consciously attempting to do that. The Bible instructs believers to be able to defend their reasons for being followers of Christ. I am simply defending my reasons for leaving the faith.

I will, however, edit my original response to the poster. Christianity comes in many flavors and versions. There are many opportunities for woman to preach and teach within the Christian community.

However, the Bible does forbid women from being teachers and preachers. The c of C is simply adhering to what scripture says. The c of C views the Bible as a divinely inspired instruction manual. Therefore they try to follow it as literally as possible.

Other versions of Christianity interpret the Bible metaphorically, symbolically, and culturally but not literally. The individual believer must decide for themselves how the Bible should be interpreted.

Spirituality is an entirely different approach to the Devine.That approach seeks a personal spiritual relationship with the Devine and believes the need for laws, rules, and commands are simply not required in a relationship based on love and respect.

Each believer will have to decide for themselves what is right for them.

I do trend to rant because I have strong feeling about religion. Those feelings come from having had some very bad experiences with religious people.
Last edited by Cootie Brown on Tue Mar 17, 2020 7:54 am, edited 4 times in total.
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Re: Female COC preacher

Post by B.H. »

Maybe they dont want to rock the boat. Maybe they think then not being able to preach is silly but value other things like peace in the family. It is more important to them.

Seriously, what sane woman let alone man see in being a coc preacher? I've gotten up and read scripture, prayed, and served communion and they arent missing anything. :lol:
Last edited by B.H. on Tue Mar 17, 2020 10:55 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Female COC preacher

Post by Ivy »

B.H. wrote:Seriously, what same woman let alone man see in being a coc preacher? I've gotten up and 4ead scripture, prayed, and served communion and they arent missing anything. :lol:
I hear you, BH. I was always glad I could just sit in the audience and blend into the pew. I didn't want to get up and perform in front of the brethren. :lol:
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Re: Female COC preacher

Post by B.H. »

Maybe those flying saucers are manned by female coc preachers from the future.
The philosophers have only interpreted the world, in various ways; the point is to change it.----Karl Marx
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Re: Female COC preacher

Post by Ivy »

B.H. wrote:Maybe those flying saucers are manned by female coc preachers from the future.
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Re: Female COC preacher

Post by Sean »

UFO's are OK because we have the testimony of people who think/claim to have witnessed them but there is no physical evidence nor is it reproducible.

Evolution from pond sludge to humans is OK because of reasoned arguments however there is no eye-witness nor is it reproducible.

But somehow it is logical and reasonable to regard Jesus, Angels, and Miracles as only imaginary unless and until there is some actual "evidence" because somehow witness testimony and reasoned arguments are suddenly not sufficient. :D

Yeah, it is beyond me why intelligent women don't fall all over themselves when they hear the good news that it all came from some accidental pond sludge. :lol:
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Re: Female COC preacher

Post by B.H. »

Sean, I agree with you 100%. I'm sure you have no problem with Gilgamesh killing the bull of heaven and throwing a piece if it and hitting the goddess inanna in the face with it. The Epic of Gilgamesh says the whole city of Uruk came out to watch him. Witness testimony.

Dont forget the people of King Benjamin coming out and hearing him give a speech about the importance of righteousness and being good. Why, there were so many witnesses King Benjamin had to climb a tower to see them and them he and to make him more audible. This is found in the Book of Mormon.

I sure am glad you believe in eyewitness testimony because no one would ever get the idea to just make stuff up and write about witnesses seeing things that did not happen and even the witnesses themselves being made up. No, no , no, that would never ever happen
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Re: Female COC preacher

Post by Sean »

BH, again, while I am sure you are proud of yourself and thinking you have made a point, the point is about the inconsistency of deeming as acceptable (or not) when there is "only" witness testimony or reasoned argument. It is not about the concept of witness testimony itself. Thank you for letting me clarify it for you.

But you do raise an interesting point that the Book of Mormon is suspect since it is based on one guy who claimed he knew it all and then lost the source. Much like any other lone guy who claimed to have got it all years ago in the back of a cave. Neither claimed to be giving witness testimony per se, only that they spoke on behalf of God. Certainly plenty of people find that compelling, but then a lot of people think accidents in pond sludge makes sense. Different stokes for different folks, it is all good.
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Re: Female COC preacher

Post by Cootie Brown »

Sean wrote:UFO's are OK because we have the testimony of people who think/claim to have witnessed them but there is no physical evidence nor is it reproducible.

Evolution from pond sludge to humans is OK because of reasoned arguments however there is no eye-witness nor is it reproducible.

But somehow it is logical and reasonable to regard Jesus, Angels, and Miracles as only imaginary unless and until there is some actual "evidence" because somehow witness testimony and reasoned arguments are suddenly not sufficient. :D

Yeah, it is beyond me why intelligent women don't fall all over themselves when they hear the good news that it all came from some accidental pond sludge. :lol:
In fairness to your point Sean, I suppose paranormal ”experiences” could be interpreted as “evidence” of a supernatural realm or other dimension.
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Re: Female COC preacher

Post by Ivy »

Cootie Brown wrote:In fairness to your point Sean, I suppose paranormal ”experiences” could be interpreted as “evidence” of a supernatural realm or other dimension.
I agree, Cootie....it's going to be one of those things that is "better experienced than told", similar to what indigenous peoples experience with their sacred hallucinogenic plants and ceremonies. No one can "prove" or "reproduce" it, but the person who experienced it knows that it is reality. It's "ineffable". Perhaps your witnessing of the UFO is a similar type of experience.

P. S. The cofc always hated the "better felt than told" issue....LOL!! They would have you frog marched out the door real quick if you persisted with that......
~Stone Cold Ivyrose Austin~
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