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Post by hamptonkm »

Hello. I just did the math and realized that it has been 24 years since I left the c of C! I have officially been an ex-member almost as long as I was a member. I honestly didn't realize it had been that long until just now.

But, anyway...LOL. Hi. I'm KK. I am so thankful to have stumbled upon this site. I found it through a Google search for "is the church of Christ a cult". That search was prompted by a conversation with my husband within the last two weeks in which he said to me "Boy, the c of C really messed you up" (He wasn't being unkind, judgmental, or disrespectful. He just knows my struggle.) I was sharing with him about an internal battle I am currently facing. This battle is primarily due to the teachings that were ingrained in me as a child and young adult brought up in the c of C. How sad is it that, as previously mentioned, I am 24 years free of this legalistic environment and I am STILL dealing with the fall out of their teachings.

I am already amazed at how the few posts I've read resonate so much with my own story. I look forward to finding support and, hopefully, eventually, a way to move beyond the hold these old beliefs have on my current and future walk with God.

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Re: New Member

Post by Ivy »

hamptonkm wrote: "Boy, the c of C really messed you up" (He wasn't being unkind, judgmental, or disrespectful. He just knows my struggle.)
Welcome, KK!!

My husband says the very same thing to me from time to time. I have been out of cofc for many years, but it still rears up.
~Stone Cold Ivyrose Austin~
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Re: New Member

Post by B.H. »

Welcome to the board.
The philosophers have only interpreted the world, in various ways; the point is to change it.----Karl Marx
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Re: New Member

Post by SolaDude »

hamptonkm wrote:This battle is primarily due to the teachings that were ingrained in me as a child and young adult brought up in the c of C. How sad is it that, as previously mentioned, I am 24 years free of this legalistic environment and I am STILL dealing with the fall out of their teachings.
Welcome, KK, and please know that many if not all exers live with that reality, so "I hear ya"!
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Re: New Member

Post by agricola »

This battle is primarily due to the teachings that were ingrained in me as a child and young adult brought up in the c of C. How sad is it that, as previously mentioned, I am 24 years free of this legalistic environment and I am STILL dealing with the fall out of their teachings.
We call that internal voice of the coc that pops up in our heads long afterward 'the tapes'.

They DO grow fainter over time! But discussing such matters in places like this can help a person view them more objectively, and mute their voices faster (we hope!)
History is the fiction we invent to persuade ourselves that events are knowable and that life has order and direction. That's why events are always reinterpreted when values change. We need new versions of history to allow for our current prejudices.
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Re: New Member

Post by Moogy »

Welcome, KK! :)
NI COC for over 30 years, but out for over 40 years now
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Re: New Member

Post by ena »

hamptonkm wrote:Hello. I just did the math and realized that it has been 24 years since I left the c of C! I have officially been an ex-member almost as long as I was a member. I honestly didn't realize it had been that long until just now.

But, anyway...LOL. Hi. I'm KK. I am so thankful to have stumbled upon this site. I found it through a Google search for "is the church of Christ a cult". That search was prompted by a conversation with my husband within the last two weeks in which he said to me "Boy, the c of C really messed you up" (He wasn't being unkind, judgmental, or disrespectful. He just knows my struggle.) I was sharing with him about an internal battle I am currently facing. This battle is primarily due to the teachings that were ingrained in me as a child and young adult brought up in the c of C. How sad is it that, as previously mentioned, I am 24 years free of this legalistic environment and I am STILL dealing with the fall out of their teachings.

I am already amazed at how the few posts I've read resonate so much with my own story. I look forward to finding support and, hopefully, eventually, a way to move beyond the hold these old beliefs have on my current and future walk with God.

I've been out 50 years. It takes time to learn about the Lord. The CoC thinks that the Bible can be read to discover what early Christians believe. Some were right and some wrong. It's the same way today. Jesus and God are of one mind. You cannot lie or be super religious. Neither passes for truth. Seek truth and you will find it. What seems like happenstance can be God working in your life. I found a successful prayer warrior. She taught me how God responds. Do not expect fancy miracles as God can be showy but operates in simple ways. A chance meeting can become the most important. Watch out for preachers that are over concerned with making and spending money. Some live wealthy lives based on the donations they get. If they live in a mansion run! They devil owns this world and even offered Jesus a King.s position; If he bowed down to him. It was Satan's to give. You don't want to be around anyone compromised. You will not get the truth. Be satisfied with what you have. Not every blessing is monetary. I have friends that I count more precious than gold. People are more important than stuff. The CoC ignores the Old Testament. You will not understand much without it. I will spend the rest of my life backfilling what the CoC left out. Jesus was murdered the day before passover. It was NOT a Friday. Jesus said that he would be in the heart of the earth three days and three nights. Not two nights. Even the three days is doubtful. This is the only prophesy he gave. He called it the sign of Jonas (Jonah).
Notice "An evil and adulterous generation" speaks to the disloyalty of Pharisees to God. They were very religious. That does not pass muster. The dead on Friday alive on Sunday makes Jesus a liar. He died on a Wednesday and was alive as of sundown Saturday. Wednesday night, Thursday, Thursday night, Friday, Friday night and Saturday. You can count the days. Saturday at sundown is the 1st day of the week in Jewish time. The Garden Tomb is the Tomb of Jesus. The door was a stone disk about a ton. It was rolled into place and spiked shut by the Romans to keep him in the tomb. When the angel opened the door he broke the spike and it is still embedded in the wall on the left side. Jesus can walk through stone. :lol: As usual God gets the last laugh.

Matthew 12 KJV
39 But he answered and said unto them, An evil and adulterous generation seeketh after a sign; and there shall no sign be given to it, but the sign of the prophet Jonas:

40 For as Jonas was three days and three nights in the whale's belly; so shall the Son of man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth.

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