Charity story/question

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Re: Charity story/question

Post by FinallyFree »

When you go to a church that follows the liturgical year, it all makes more sense. Christians have celebrated Christmas for centuries. The CofC misses out on so many things that can bring meaning to your life. It is truly a drudgery of existence in the CofC.
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Re: Charity story/question

Post by agricola »

Oh absolutely - and by the way, Jewish practice DOES follow a liturgical year, with annual events and readings following important occasions in 'history' - from the Exodus (Passover) we count nightly for 49 days to the 50th day, Shavuot - anniversary of the giving of the Torah at Mount Sinai (and do you poor deprived CoC Christians NOW grasp why the NT has 'Pentecost' (the 50th day) as the time with 'Fire and Smoke' and a 'voice from Heaven'?? It is flat out re-purposing Sinai for Christian theological purposes).

Anyway - it took me a while to realize it, but WOW - a liturgical year!!! Talk about major teaching opportunities! Talk about adding MEANING to your religious observance!

The CoC and other non-liturgical denominations flat DO NOT KNOW what they are missing out on, in their haste to simply do things flat opposite what Catholics do.
History is the fiction we invent to persuade ourselves that events are knowable and that life has order and direction. That's why events are always reinterpreted when values change. We need new versions of history to allow for our current prejudices.
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Re: Charity story/question

Post by SolaDude »

faithfyl wrote:They also said they didn't donate to charities because they paid taxes for the poor already.
It's amazing how CofC people scream legalism, "following" every dot and period of the law in the new testament to guide their every move, making sure that whatever they do or say is "scriptural". What scripture, pray tell, is the basis for this justification of selfishness?
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Re: Charity story/question

Post by Ivy »

SolaDude wrote:
faithfyl wrote:They also said they didn't donate to charities because they paid taxes for the poor already.
It's amazing how CofC people scream legalism, "following" every dot and period of the law in the new testament to guide their every move, making sure that whatever they do or say is "scriptural". What scripture, pray tell, is the basis for this justification of selfishness?
As in the new Trumplicanism / Randianism / Objectivism? I've got mine and screw you? Can't think of a single scripture in support of that perverted mess.
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Re: Charity story/question

Post by ena »

SolaDude wrote: It's amazing how CofC people scream legalism, "following" every dot and period of the law in the new testament to guide their every move, making sure that whatever they do or say is "scriptural". What scripture, pray tell, is the basis for this justification of selfishness?
There is none. Jesus did talk about selfishness. Jesus passes judgement. He is aligned with God. This is the final judgement that occurs after the thousand year reign of Jesus. You probably were not taught this in the CoC. It is discussed in Revelation and clarified there. You cannot understand revelation without an overview. I couldn't in the CoC. The Lake of Fire is what is prepared for the Devil and his angels. See Revelation 20. IT says that in verse 41. Yes, Jesus did talk about Hell. Read earlier in Matthew 25 to see the saved. He is even handed.

Matt 25 kjv

41 Then shall he say also unto them on the left hand, Depart from me, ye cursed, into everlasting fire, prepared for the devil and his angels:

42 For I was an hungred, and ye gave me no meat: I was thirsty, and ye gave me no drink:

43 I was a stranger, and ye took me not in: naked, and ye clothed me not: sick, and in prison, and ye visited me not.

44 Then shall they also answer him, saying, Lord, when saw we thee an hungred, or athirst, or a stranger, or naked, or sick, or in prison, and did not minister unto thee?

45 Then shall he answer them, saying, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye did it not to one of the least of these, ye did it not to me.

46 And these shall go away into everlasting punishment: but the righteous into life eternal.
Last edited by ena on Wed Nov 25, 2020 3:53 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Charity story/question

Post by B.H. »

I have an idea why so many denominations and churches lean right or far right. They harper about abortion being a great evil to oppose but I think it is that churches themselves own or partially own businesses. I read a book written back in the early 70s called The Religion Business. The author was a journalist and I cant remember his name but the book pissed a lot of folks off. He investigated the Catholic, Presbyterian 3ct denominations and found that they actually owned lots of businesses or had large amounts of stock in businesses that were left to them in will of deceased members. I know in Corsicana the Catholic Church owns the property a large chain grocery store sits on and gets rent from it. Just food for thought.
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Re: Charity story/question

Post by ena »

B.H. wrote:I have an idea why so many denominations and churches lean right or far right. They harper about abortion being a great evil to oppose but I think it is that churches themselves own or partially own businesses. I read a book written back in the early 70s called The Religion Business. The author was a journalist and I cant remember his name but the book pissed a lot of folks off. He investigated the Catholic, Presbyterian 3ct denominations and found that they actually owned lots of businesses or had large amounts of stock in businesses that were left to them in will of deceased members. I know in Corsicana the Catholic Church owns the property a large chain grocery store sits on and gets rent from it. Just food for thought.
Churches have tax exempt status. I think there should be a limit to their tax free status. Some churches own vast tracts of land and rental properties. Jesus threw the money changers out because they were profiting off of temple coin. Temple coin did not have pagan symbols on them. Roman coins had the picture of Ceasar on it. He was often worshipped as a god. You could not use Roman coins as a sacrifice.
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Re: Charity story/question

Post by Moogy »

In Texas, church property is exempt from property tax only if it is used for religious purposes.

Some of you might remember that the Fundamentalist LDS (polygamists) once had a compound in my little west Texas county. Their huge temple was tax-exempt, but they paid their taxes on the rest of the property. Our county took a big tax loss when the state seized the church property, because the state doesn’t pay taxes to the county.

The state had a shaky legal case, but the FLDS did not contest the seizure. It remained vacant state property for years. A private company finally bought it. They rent it out to police and military groups for training exercises. There are lots of buildings still there—homes and the huge temple. Lots of places to practice urban warfare.
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Re: Charity story/question

Post by Ivy »

B.H. wrote:I have an idea why so many denominations and churches lean right or far right. They harper about abortion being a great evil to oppose but I think it is that churches themselves own or partially own businesses. I read a book written back in the early 70s called The Religion Business. The author was a journalist and I cant remember his name but the book pissed a lot of folks off. He investigated the Catholic, Presbyterian 3ct denominations and found that they actually owned lots of businesses or had large amounts of stock in businesses that were left to them in will of deceased members. I know in Corsicana the Catholic Church owns the property a large chain grocery store sits on and gets rent from it. Just food for thought.
Good points you made, BH. You can always follow the money even with, and perhaps especially with, religious organizations. Oh, and yes they love exploiting the abortion issue as it gleans them many, many votes from people who don't know any better...and they get to virtue signal about "saving the babies" from the "evil libs". They'll continue to milk that until the cows come home. They don't want it resolved. If Roe v Wade were overturned and that was settled permanently somehow in their favor, what would they have to manipulate people to vote for them? Getting immigrant kids out of the cages and reuniting them with their families...perhaps they'd focus on that? Or getting birth control out to help people avoid pregnancy? LOL!! Feeding the hungry?
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Re: Charity story/question

Post by faithandmore »

zeek wrote:
faithandmore wrote:I heard over & over again about "not the real birthday of Jesus". It came up on Facebook again recently with my C of C sister. This is literally all they ever talk about this time of year. they are obsessed with this topic. I don't know why.
My guess is that they are horribly conflicted by the Christmas holiday. How could anyone not find it attractive with all the pretty lights and decorations, the annual displays of unusual kindness, the beautiful story of the virgin birth, the general atmosphere of joy that overtakes the end of the year? Yet these people have espoused a religious view that Christmas is wrong. They have to keep condemning it to sort of keep themselves in check. Sort of reminding themselves that this holiday is based on untruths and is wrong. Very few of these detractors won't have a Christmas tree in their home. They go through all kinds of mental contortions to justify it with all that "secular Christmas" B.S. One of the few things I admire about the J.W.s is their integrity on this point. They teach against it and they don't indulge in it on the side. In this culture that must be an enormous effort.
True, but I know many JWs and ex-JWs who really aren't happy.
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