That Settles It

A place to snark and vent about CoC doctrine and/or our experiences in the CoC. This is a place for SUPPORT and AGREEMENT only, not a place to tell someone their experience and feelings are wrong, or why we disagree with them.
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Re: That Settles It

Post by zeek »

Last edited by zeek on Thu Sep 01, 2016 10:49 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: That Settles It

Post by cotjockey »

We were told to take the "I believe it" part out so it was simply, "The Bible says it, that settles it." We don't need to believe it for it to be fact or for us to practice it or whatever. If the Bible says it, there should be no further discussion.

So glad we aren't there any more!
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Re: That Settles It

Post by Ivy »

No room whatsoever for intellectual integrity.
~Stone Cold Ivyrose Austin~
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Re: That Settles It

Post by AtPeace »

Oh yes, I heard that little ditty a lot! I'd forgotten that one!
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Re: That Settles It

Post by musicman »

MusicMan826 wrote:This is one of the many screwed up things with the CoC. They're completely convinced that they have every word of the bible interpreted the right way and it's totally black or white. You're 100% right or 100% wrong and there's no room for any interpretation other than their own. This is why it is impossible to have any kind of debate or discussion with a CoCer. If you don't see things their way they'll immediately dismiss you as "not reading the scripture with an honest heart" or "being hard-hearted". I've always found it funny how they'll cut down other denominations for twisting the scriptures to fit their beliefs, when that is exactly what the CoC does.
The last sentence here says a LOT..and is so TRUE. C o C is the master of twisting scripture verses to suit its beliefs. It takes verses totally out of context and puts them into a sacred rule book which all must follow.
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Re: That Settles It

Post by Struggler »

I have no problem with the belief, "God said it. I believe it."

However, the people who use this slogan often haven't a clue as to what God has said. The people who believe what God has really said don't have to resort to bumper strips or going around spouting off slogans. You'll see it in their actions.
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Re: That Settles It

Post by NotFarEnough »

GMan wrote:A very arrogant saying if you ask me.
Yep, they are an arrogant bunch, and they know it. I checked a local church's (Mayfair) website recently, and right after the very short "what we believe" blurb, they say that they don't believe it's arrogant, just true. I also recently listened to some sermons on YouTube (Parkview CoC) and an explanation as to how what they preachin' about wasn't arrogant was in quite a few of them. I've also heard it from other CoC's in my looking around as well. Seems explaining that they simply have the truth and aren't being at all arrogant, though it may appear so to fools, has become de regeur
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