Reason for Jesus Crucifixion related to antisemitism!

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Reason for Jesus Crucifixion related to antisemitism!

Post by longdistancerunner »

As I remember the story we were taught in the CoC was a composite story from the gospels which placed primary blame on the crucifixion of Jesus of on the Jews.  Pilate was actually viewed somewhat as the good guy who was forced by the Jews to sentence Jesus to death for blasphemy (I wash my hands)!

Some of the most prominent biblical scholars (Paula Fredreksen, John Dominic Crossan, Bart Ehrman) have strong opinions on why Jesus was crucified. Most of what I remember the historians say is people were crucified by the Romans for one reason, insurrection.   They were not crucified for being murderers, thieves, or blasphemy; they were crucifed because they made a threat to Roman rulers.  .  So crucifixion was a dramatic display of what horrific things happen when you challenge Roman Rule.  Jesus's crime was saying he was the king of the jews.  This claim was like someone in Russia saying "Putin is not in charge I am".  

The Romans and Pilate in particular could have cared less about jewish blasphemy or that the Saducees were upset with Jesus or that he caused a ruckus in the temple.  This was likely inserted in the scriptures to blame the crucifixion of Jesus on the Jews. We are almost certain the conversation between Jesus and Pilate never occurred simply because they did not speak each others language, nor was it likely Pilate would have engaged in this type of conversation. All Pilate needed to hear to decide to crucify Jesus was Jesus was calling himself King of the Jews.  For some reason early in Christianity scribes felt a need to add the story to the gospels of the Jews killing Jesus most likely because they hated the Jews.
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