Expectations for "New Paths -- Non-Christian"

Share your personal journey of faith, skepticism, or atheism, why you believe in God or trust in science instead. This is a place for SUPPORT and AGREEMENT only, not a place to tell someone their experience and feelings are wrong, or why we disagree with them.
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Expectations for "New Paths -- Non-Christian"

Post by teresa »

This is a place for non-Christians to share their personal journey of faith, skepticism, or atheism, why they believe in God or 'believe' in science. This is NOT a place for Christians to share their path. It's not a place to tell someone they are wrong or why we disagree with them.

To engage in discussion with others who have a different viewpoint from you, use the "Old Paths Reconsidered" Forum.

To report a post that does not meet Forum expectations, click on the exclamation mark icon.[/color][/b] Allow three days for a response, as the moderators are not on the board 24/7.