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Legalism Questionnaire

LEE-gull-izm: noun, 1) something pertaining to obeying law, 2) becoming overly concerned with legal details and losing the intent of the law, 3) straining  gnats out of one's coffee and swallowing huge hump-backed animals.


There are many wonderful Churches of Christ. However approximately 20% of Churches of Christ teach legalistic doctrines.

1. The "new covenant" is a phrase in the New Testament that is used to refer to

the new regulations in the New Testament about the work, worship and organization of the local congregation.

b. baptism and the plan of salvation

c. a new relationship with God based on forgiveness


2. The "gospel of Christ" is a phrase in the New Testament that is used to refer to

a. the new regulations in the New Testament about the work, worship and organization of the local congregation.

b. baptism and the plan of salvation

c. a new relationship with God based on forgiveness


3. The "law of liberty" and the "law of Christ" are phrases in the New Testament that are used to refer to

a. the new regulations in the New Testament about the work, worship and organization of the local congregation.

b. baptism and the plan of salvation

c. a new relationship with God based on forgiveness


4. James (in chapter 2) teaches that faith without works is dead. What kind of works is James talking about?

a. The work, worship and organization of the local congregation

b. All works commanded by God

c. mercy towards poor people


5. The story of Uzzah being struck dead for touching the ark of the covenant teaches

a. unauthorized worship is displeasing to God

b. God keeps his promises

c. God appreciates spontaneous worship


6. The story of Nadab and Abihu being struck dead for bringing strange fire before the Lord teaches

a. unauthorized worship is displeasing to God

b. God proves His acceptance of the sacrifice


7. Concerning going to church

a. There are many scriptures that teach attending church is one of the most important acts of worship and obedience in a Christian's life.

b. There are many scriptures that teach one must attend church every Sunday.

c. There is one scripture that tells us to assemble with other Christians with the purpose of encouraging one another.


8. Jesus viewed God the Father as

a. Someone who threw a big party with music and dancing

b. Someone who was bad-tempered and hard to get to know

c. Someone who only talked to church hierarchy


9. Peter viewed baptism as

a. for the remission of sins

b. to receive the gift of the Holy Spirit

c. Both "a" and "b"


10. Concerning instrumental music

a. God accepted instrumental music in the Old Testament

b. David encouraged instrumental music in many of the same Psalms that are referred to in the New Testament

c. There is instrumental music in heaven

d. Jesus compared the church to a banquet with music and dancing

e. there is no condemnation of instrumental music in the New Testament

f. There is no condemnation of spontaneous unauthorized worship anywhere in the Bible

g. all of the above








Here are all the scriptures in the New Testament containing the words "new covanant" or "new law":

Matt.26:28 "new covenant in my blood"
Luke 22:20 "new covenant in my blood"
1 Cor. 11:25 "new covenant in my blood"
2 Cor. 3:6 "not of the letter, but of the Spirit"
Heb. 8:8-13 "write them on their hearts...remember their sins no more"
Heb. 9:15 "he has died as a ransom"
Heb. 12:24 "Jesus the mediator of a new covenant"

Gal. 6:2 "Carry each other's burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ."
James 2:8-13 "Speak and act as those who are going to be judged by the law that gives freedom, because judgment without mercy will be shown to anyone who has not been merciful. Mercy triumphs over judgment!"

Notice a theme?

For more on the doctrine of the Blueprint click here.






For Jesus' view of God, the Father, click here.

For more on Conquering Sin, click here.








For more on Instrumental Music click here and here  and here for other websites.

For a bulletin board discussion on this topic click here.






















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