klp wrote:ha, that reminds me...I did the monitor thing on the head elders family one time. They created this pot luck at a park that was essentially a spiritual service but with food. It was the "first annual be thankful to God for what he has done" or some long title like that. And it was pushed from the pulpit for weeks in a not so subtle way that this is how we show thankfulness to God...I mean who doesn't want to be thankful....so why would you miss...that junk. It was a Saturday afternoon and shot most of the day of course but it wasn't going to count towards Sunday attendance.
Well the day rolls around and turns out the Head elders son and his family were not there since it was the head elder's granddaughters birthday party and it was already scheduled...and of course of friends of head elder family also went to the birthday party. But the rest of us schlubs better be out there at the park shelter being thankful to God with long prayers by a number of people and talks. oy
So Sunday the Head elder family is all together in their pews and I sauntered up to the front row and said loud enough for all to hear about how much we all missed them at the Thankfullness event. The head elder turned red...he already hated me anyway. I asked if they had were OK or had some illness...like I didn't already know. Then came the story about the already scheduled birthday party....and then I gave them ol' "well we sure missed yall and I sure hope yall are able to come next year". I was so sweet, sugar wouldn't melt in my mouth. I didn't make another year...go figure.
Steam was coming out of their ears but I just walked off all smiles.
KLP! That was an absolutely mean and unChristian thing to do!
On the other hand that is something I'd probably have done. Freakin hilarious!