Muslims meeting Jesus

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Muslims meeting Jesus

Post by seekingthetruth »

This is so exciting! I have been reading about Muslims meeting Jesus and becoming Christians. There are so many books, blogs, and videos from former Muslims writing about meeting Jesus.

Yes, once a person meets the real Jesus, not the false one people complain about, He is irresistible.

I have been blessed to meet a former Muslim that became a Christian. She is a seer and the Holy Spirit allows her to see into the spiritual realm. The Holy Spirit blessed her to help me to be healed of a major spiritual issue that I had been carrying around for decades. She also showed me how to have a closer relationship with Jesus.

This all makes me think of Jesus' words from Matthew 11:28-30 "Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For My yoke is easy and My burden is light”.

The account about Jesus telling a family that someone is coming was one of my favorites.

h**ps:// ... p?id=72675
h**ps:// Dreams, Visions Moving Muslims to Christ
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Re: Muslims meeting Jesus

Post by teresa »

If you have time and energy, I suggest you post some excerpts from the above links, as folks often don't have the time or energy to follow links.
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Re: Muslims meeting Jesus

Post by KLP »

I have always thought that everyone is going to meet Jesus at some point.

However that can be taken a bit too far sometimes....for instance
I was in a tiny one person restroom of (I think) Baptist church...I was at the urinal and noticed the mirror over the sink had this decal saying:
"Have you talked to Jesus today? He is looking for you. He needs to talk to you."

it was sort of weird at that moment when I was doing my business.
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Re: Muslims meeting Jesus

Post by seekingthetruth »

Here are two excerpts from the God reports blog. I will post more later.

Tyler Connell with the Ekballo Project has been touring college campuses around the U.S., sharing stories and video from his most recent trip to Middle East, where he documented a dramatic move of God among Muslims, particularly with refugees.
In the last few months, he and his team visited Harvard, MIT, Iowa State, Clemson, and the University of Georgia, among other campuses. “In every stop we saw the presence of Jesus break in to these college campuses and touch students, with bodies healed, people saved, and people giving their lives to serve in the mission field,” Connell exclaims.
College students are amazed to learn what God is doing in Iraq and the surrounding region. “Jesus is moving in these Middle East nations,” he says. “Many there are disillusioned and broken and just want to know the truth. Now more than ever there is a harvest among Muslims that has not been seen in history.”

His first film chronicles a young missionary named Daniel*, 24, originally from Vermont. Two years ago Daniel moved to the Middle East to work with Syrian refugees. “They go house to house and visit these Muslim families and sit with them and talk with them and find out their names, their stories, and love them. As trust is built, they begin to open up about the Gospel.” One afternoon Daniel walked into a white tent with a family of eight people inside. “Hi, I’m Daniel and I’m here to tell you about Jesus,” he announced.

He wasn’t quite prepared for their reaction. “The family freaked out, they looked at each other, almost turned white. The father was excited, yelling.” What’s going on? Daniel wondered. The interpreter explained that the night before Daniel’s visit the whole family was sitting in their tent having tea together and a man in white opened the door to their tent and stood at the entrance. The man was glowing.
“Hello, My name is Jesus and I am sending a man tomorrow named Daniel to tell you more about me.” Then he disappeared. So when Daniel arrived at their doorway and told them his name, they were completely undone. “They asked him to tell them more about Jesus and he gave then the Gospel and the whole family gave their lives to Jesus,” Connell reports.

Another excerpt from the same blog.
Jesus reached descendant of Muhammad in dreams

Ali Sayed Husnain Shah is from a prominent Shia Muslim family with direct ties to the prophet Muhammad. When he was 15, he traveled from his home in Pakistan to Oxford, England to visit his ailing aunt Gulshan. The story of his spiritual journey is chronicled in his new book, The Cost: My Life On a Terrorist Hit List. After his arrival in the U.K., he made a disparaging remark about Christians and was quickly upbraided by his aunt’s assistant to be careful about the way he talked about Christians and “apostates.”
He was shocked to learn that his aunt left Islam for Christianity several years before his birth. Ali couldn’t believe his aunt would dishonor their prominent Shia family by following Jesus. He soon discovered his aunt wrote a book about her conversion to Christ. Overcome with curiosity, Ali found a copy of the book and began reading. After he read the book he was still confused, so he decided to attend a church service with her to learn more.

While at the church service, the pastor asked the congregants, “Who wants to see Jesus?” The Holy Spirit began to draw Ali’s heart, and he felt compelled to get out of the pew and walk forward, so he could “see Jesus.” “I wanted to see Jesus. He was the riddle at the center of all this, the reason Aunt Gulshan had turned her back on her family, her heritage and her religion,” Ali noted in his book. “He was the one who was to blame, and here was a man offering me the chance to see Him for myself.”
The pastor lifted up a prayer for Ali and as he prayed, Ali said he felt heat emanating from the pastor’s hand. At the same time a light behind his eyelids got brighter and brighter. Ali said his legs crumbled and he was drained of all his power and strength. Then Jesus appeared to him in a powerful vision. My son, You wanted to see me. I’m here. Obey me. I will forgive your sins and give you eternal life, Jesus impressed on his heart. That night, Ali went back to his aunt’s house and went to sleep. Amazingly, Jesus appeared to him again! Don’t be afraid, Jesus told Ali in the dream. I will protect you.
When Ali returned to Pakistan, he stopped attending the mosque and decided instead to go on top of his roof to pray to Jesus. Whenever he prayed to Jesus, the Lord’s peace descended on his heart.
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Re: Muslims meeting Jesus

Post by seekingthetruth »

Here is another excerpt.

God is all-powerful, all-knowing and all-encompassing, so when Muslim refugees began to experience visitations from Christ, it came as no surprise that they were forever changed.
LOS ANGELES, CA (Catholic Online) - Nizar Shaheen, the host of Light for the Nations - a Christian program aired in Muslim-dense areas - explained: "I've seen many, many Arabic-speaking people turning to Christ, accepting Him as Lord and Savior.
"It's happening all over the Arab world. It's happening in North Africa. It's happening in the Middle East. It's happening in the Gulf countries. It's happening in Europe and Canada and the United States - in the Arabic-speaking world. Everywhere, people are accepting Jesus."
Father Zakaria Boutros, a Coptic priest, reported several Muslims are turning to Jesus: "Young and old, educated and not educated, males and females, even those who are fanatic."
According to WND, several Muslims have been encountering God as they slept.

I was in the desert.
Bosnian Muslim teen Emina Emlonic shared: "I was in the desert alone, lost. As far as the horizon, there was nothing in sight but sand. I felt the sand on my bare feet. Then I saw something extraordinary. "In the midst of that barrenness, an immense wooden cross emerged from the earth, rising up with sand spilling from it back to earth.
"I felt then a spectator in my own dream, and the sight of the cross gave me neither fear nor joy. But I was a curious [sic] and began moving, almost floating, towards it, the most magnificent ... thing I'd ever seen or imagined, and as I came closer to the cross, I suddenly saw a man walking toward me: a broad-shouldered, long-strided man, with a dark complexion, long hair, and wearing a white robe. "And just as suddenly I ceased to be a witness to my dream. I was in it, walking toward the man walking toward me. I knew him immediately. He was Jesus. Without knowing why, I fell to my knees. He stood over me and touched my face with his right hand.

Emlonic's dream was deeply personal, just like the other Muslims who were approached by Christ. More stories were shared across several websites including Catholic Thing, Isa Dreams and More Than Dreams. As he appeared to people throughout the Bible, Christ met each person in a way they could understand and on their level of comfort. Jesus didn't appear in a storm or surrounded by flashing lights - he spoke to Emlonic through sight, touch, and, as is the way of dreams, with knowledge.

I was shown Hell.
One Saudi man shared: "One night, while I was asleep, I had this horrible dream of me being taken into hell. And what I saw there brought me real fear, and these dreams kept coming to me almost every night. At this point I was really wondering as to why I should be seeing hell in this manner."
He said Jesus appeared and said: "Son, I am the way, the truth and the life. And if you would give your life to Me, and follow Me, I would save you from the hell that you have seen."
The man admitted: "This came as a surprise to me, for I did not know who this Jesus was. Of course, He is mentioned in the Quran and in the book Surah Mariam. He is stated as one of our prophets, but not as a savior who could save us from hell. So I started looking out for a Christian who could give me some advice about this Jesus I have seen."
He knew he had to respond to the dream but Christianity is "totally banned in Saudi Arabia and if a Christian is caught witnessing to a Muslim, [it is] almost sure that he would be beheaded." In the end, he reached out to an Egyptian Christian and was introduced to Christ.
Pastor Frank Costenbader, the founder of Minifold Hope Ministries and the publisher of the Isa Dreams website, explained "Isa" is an Arabic name for Jesus, found in the Quaran.
Costenbader stated: "The number of Isa dreams has seemed to grow tremendously since 2000, and in 2015 it seems to have kicked into another gear. There has been an explosion of testimonies on the Web and in the past two years about people encountering Jesus in dreams and subsequently becoming followers of Jesus."
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Re: Muslims meeting Jesus

Post by teresa »

Do the individuals report what has changed about their lives after encountering Jesus?

Have they come to know God more as their loving, forgiving, patient Father? And as a result, do they strive to be more loving, forgiving, and patient toward their families, their neighbors, and those whom they previously may have considered enemies?
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Re: Muslims meeting Jesus

Post by seekingthetruth »

The excerpt below is certainly an amazing example of someone who changed once she met JESUS. One of God's promises is that we will become a new person after meeting Him. 2 Corinthians 5:17 says, "Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new." It looks like she believed those words and stood on that promise.

Twelve-year-old Dini had always been close to her father, so when he died suddenly she was devastated. That devastation turned to anger and resentment when she learned her father had been having an affair with his sister-in-law, Sundari, who was now pregnant. She also learned that her mother, Wulandari, was pregnant from her father.

Aunt Sundari left town in disgrace, while her sister, Wulandari, struggled to make ends meet. After the birth of her child, Wulandari placed three of her children up for adoption and relocated to the town of Semarang with Dini and the rest of the children.

Four years passed and Wulandari decided to remarry. Dini felt betrayed because her mother had made the decision without consulting anyone in the family. Her father had disappointed Dini by his behavior, and now, in Dini’s eyes, her mother was doing the same.

Dini began to make friends with troublemakers at school and went through a rebellious period. She skipped classes, didn’t wear her school uniform and got into fights. When several of her friends faced serious problems, Dini began to ask: “Is this really the kind of life I want? Life within the confines of religion hadn’t made me happy but a free life without rules wasn’t something I wanted either.”

The month of Ramadan arrived and Dini became diligent in fasting and prayer. One night, during Ramadan, she decided to pray the tahajud prayer, which includes petitions asking God for signs. Her heart was filled with faith that God would answer her prayers. She confessed her confusion as to how she could attain God’s approval and cried many tears, asking God to show her the right way to live; the correct path to follow. Furthermore, she promised God that if He were to show her in an unmistakable way His will for her life, she would follow Him wherever he chose to lead her.

At that point, a bright light appeared in front of Dini and she saw the figure of a man approaching her. The man was wearing a white robe but she couldn’t see his face clearly. Without being told who he was, she realized that he was Jesus. He held out his hand to Dini and said, “Follow me.” Dini was confused. She thought to herself, “Lord, I’m a Muslim. How can I follow you?” In her heart of hearts, however, she knew that following Him was the right choice to make. She said, “God, if this is the way of truth, then I want to follow you.” At that moment, she felt a peace she’d never felt before and the figure in shining white clothes walked away.

Following the experience of her vision, Dini gave her life to Christ and began reading the Bible. When her family discovered she had become a Christian, persecution began. She did not back down on her commitment to follow Christ, however, and when she was 16 years old, she was forced to leave home. She moved to another town where she went to school and supported herself through part-time jobs. Over time, she also pursued reconciliation with her family. She accepted her half-brother, Bambang (Aunt Sundari’s son born out of wedlock), and repented of her ill treatment of her Aunt Sundari. She also reconciled with her mother and other family members. Her greatest test came when she was faced with the realization that bitterness had kept her from forgiving her deceased father and his perceived betrayal toward the family. One day, as Dini sat on a stalled train beside her hometown, she took the much-needed step of forgiving him, too.

Dini continues to make every effort to demonstrate love and forgiveness. Her life is a stirring example of one who can “do all things through Christ who strengthens” her. (Philippians 4:13)
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Re: Muslims meeting Jesus

Post by KLP »

That is good to hear...and speaks to the power of the gospel message. On Catholic radio they speak often that many Muslims are following Jesus once they finally hear the gospel. It can be very dangerous to spread the Gospel in Islamic countries and there are many with laws about apostacy and so it is dangerous for the believer as well.
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Re: Muslims meeting Jesus

Post by seekingthetruth »

Maybe their thought is either way, in life or in death, they will be with JESUS. They're love for Him seems to supersede any fears of dying. I love reading about their boldness.

I am trying to find out more about Daniel the missionary. I would love to read about his life. How and when JESUS called him into this ministry. I would be curious to know if he resisted the calling at first.
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