Primitve/Foot Washing/Hardshell Baptist

A place to snark and vent about CoC doctrine and/or our experiences in the CoC. This is a place for SUPPORT and AGREEMENT only, not a place to tell someone their experience and feelings are wrong, or why we disagree with them.
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Primitve/Foot Washing/Hardshell Baptist

Post by longdistancerunner »

Another topic I find very interesting and never heard any discussion about is the similarity/differences in what is called Primitive Baptist churches (also referred to as Hardshell, Foot Washing, and other names) and CoC. Their beliefs are almost identical except for the predestination issue. Has anyone ever heard this topic mention in CoC? If you drive along the roads paralleling the Natchez Trace you will see tons of these old churches, it is almost unbelievable how many there are. The PB views on predestination and related issues are very complex and difficult to understand. Lincoln's parents were members of this sect which were also very antislavery.
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Re: Primitve/Foot Washing/Hardshell Baptist

Post by FinallyFree »

I have heard that Primitive Baptists don’t use instrumental music.
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Re: Primitve/Foot Washing/Hardshell Baptist

Post by longdistancerunner »

That is correct, no instrumental music.
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Re: Primitve/Foot Washing/Hardshell Baptist

Post by Moogy »

My tiny west Texas town has a Primitive Baptist Church. They only meet once a month because it is such a small group. The preacher drives here from out-of-town. I knew an elderly woman who was a member, so I researched it a little. They are really seriously predestination believers. They don’t send out missionaries because God already knows who is going to be saved. They have no musical instruments and they practice foot-washing.
NI COC for over 30 years, but out for over 40 years now
Mostly Methodist for about 30 years.
Left the UMC in 2019 based on their decision to condemn LGBT+ persons and to discipline Pastors who perform same-sex marriages
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